Jun 06, 2009 11:52
My account reverted to being Plus because I don't have the space on my credit card to pay for it again. So I went to look at it in Google Chrome to see what it looks like with ads... And beside my last entry (about Nadia) is a big IAMS ad for 'The Daily Cat' or something like that. I get that it goes according to the words and such, but still, kind of harsh. :( At least Firefox automatically blocks them for me, so I can deal until I get the cash again.
Cai is being very affectionate today. I had a bit of a crying fit this morning and she came and nosed against my hand, as though to remind me that she is still here. She keeps hopping up on the couch to be cuddled, too. I don't know what Katie and I would do if we didn't have her - it seems so strange to only have one cat, even, it would be far worse if we didn't have any.
I do want to say thank you to everyone who has commented. It's meant a lot to me and to Katie as well.
cats: cai