God, I'm tired. *yawns* I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 today to head down to the Passport office because
cirakaite and I are going down to Seattle on June 20th. Everyone's heard the nightmare stories of it taking two or three hours, right?
Well, depending on how you look at it, I struck lucky - I was in and out in twenty minutes. Which meant that Katie and I got to spend the morning at De Dutch and then wandering around the mall (positive) but also means that I am tiiiiired (negative). But my passport is all settled and will be recieved in two weeks! Yay.
Work is going well - I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have a fairly good chance of getting certified (officially an employee & getting bonuses and such) and I'm happy about that. The only thing that I need to work on, really, is my AHT, and that's coming down by the week. And I should get my first commission check in two weeks :D
Things in general are going well, actually - there's just two things that aren't going too well, and they're kind of twined together. Finances & Nadia.
We've spent about six-hundred dollars on her so far in this latest incident, and so far... Well. *sighs* She has two bare patches around her neck again, though her scratching stopped once we reduced the diuretic - we're wondering if it was related, though we can't tell, honestly. Right now she's on two pills, one to help her circulation and the other to keep the fluid from building up in her lungs. She gets them once a day, and it's gotten easier, which is good.
She's gone so, so quiet, though, and it's heartbreaking. :( I just... I think we're at a bit of a loss as to what to do now, to be honest. She's very thin again, and just eats little nibbles of wet food when we offer it to her, seemingly barely enough to sustain her. For awhile she was coming to curl up on the back of the couch or she was sitting on the scratching post, and at night she would come to the bed to be petted, and would purr. All of that has stopped, and she spends most of her time curled up in the little house in our scratching post. We feed her in there, and she'll go and wander a couple of times a day, but other than that, she just stays there, very quiet. She doesn't purr when we pet her anymore, we've noticed.
The vet had told us that the next step would be to get her an ultrasound - which to be honest, we can't afford, and even if we could, we're not sure what good it would do. The vet talked about changing her medication in response to it, but we just don't know enough about how she's doing to know definitely if Yes, it would help, or No, it wouldn't do much, and the vet doesn't either. Even if we did, we just don't have the money, and I think the idea was more along the lines of letting us know just what we're dealing with. To be honest, unless there is a surprising recovery the way there was last fall, I think that soon we may be forced to make a decision - do we keep coaxing her along, keeping her in this state where she seems to just be existing and nothing more, or do we decide to take her in to be put to sleep.
This is the part that I've been really struggling with, because I just don't know what to do. Becuase it's not just that we're low on money, it's the question: at what point do you say enough to how much you've spent on a pet, when you don't see any legitimate improvement? I have so much guilt and I think
cirakaite does as well. Nadia's a young cat, only four years old. But she has heart disease, and it will fail eventually. Knowing that, how many thousands do we spend on our ickle cat? And if we decide not to get the ultrasound, and she gets to the point where she just seems like she's in too much pain and unhappy, will we always wonder whether we would have found something that could help?
Being a grownup sucks, sometimes. :( I believe in doing the humane thing. But I believe in doing as much as I can, too. I want to do both for our little sweetheart. She's still so sweet, and will sometimes bunt your hand if you hold it in front of her, and curl up if you get her and take her to the bed or to the couch. I wish there was something we knew would help.