Goddammit, why haven't they invented something to make medicine-giving more effective for pets? Other than those stupid pill-pocket things, which a lot of smart animals can see through or won't take, or the suggestions of crushing it up in their food - which again, a lot of smart animals can see through?
>_< I don't like having to hold a squirming, unhappy cat while
cirakaite forces a pill into her mouth - which she then manages to hold against her cheek somehow, and spit out, and argh. Thank god it's only twice a day this time, because I hate doing it, really.
(And yes, we're aware of tips like prying her jaw open at the side, and holding her so that she can't back away... She's just Difficult. I've done it with one of my grandmother's cats, back home, and she's easy peasy compared to Nadia.)