Tap tap tap

Oct 19, 2011 09:40

wow, guess this still works :P

Well, the marathon I mentioned in my last blog post was last weekend and ... I'm sure it was a lovely event :D These days I'm running every other day with Drew and we're toying with the idea of doing the 3M half so we've got a goal to keep us moving. I've been working out consistently but I haven't swam in about a month (and 2 months more before that) and it's been a couple of months since I got on my bike... though I did just get my SRM battery fixed so I'm running out of excuses.

Life with girl and kitty is still in general fantastic - I'm got home around 10pm last night and noticed a few indicators that Racoony stopped by for some food. I've tried to be be subtle (by locking the kitty door) but unwanted guests sometimes don't get the clue and so I expect Racoony is going to be moving permanently soon.

Otherwise Bert and Harley are doing fine - though kitty definitely misses Julia when she's on the road.

Work is still going well - loving the actual work I do and I'm doing cool stuff - so much so I don't make enough time to blog (about it or myself) train more, or even watch movies / shows. I've been gearing up for getting a bunch of new / updated certifications - I've got my final scheduled exam on Saturday at which point I think I'm off for a month or maybe more. Thinking of going up to Dallas middle of Nov for a VMware class which would then result in a VMware exam after it.

Oh, I could babble more and more about my technical stuff but that's enough for now :)

If you're in Austin and you're looking for a kick ass 24/7 coffee shop, I highly recommend Epoch off Lamar and North Loop. If you see a guy with a Macbook Pro with an Ironman (the comic, not the race) and a VMware sticker on it, say hi. Oh, and have a mojo - they rock. Did I mention they're easy to bike to? Well, that's what it appears. Maybe I'll actually do that one of these days.

Went to a friend's wedding this weekend which was at the highball. Julia and I snuck off to a private karaoke room during the party and... did karaoke. Jeez, what were you thinking? In honor of our limited shared musical tastes and my incredibly poor singing ability, we did a duet of Jay-Z's 99 problems "I've got 99 problems but the bitch ain't one - if you're having girl problems I feel sorry for ya son" in tribute to the married couple... not to pick on the bride in any way, I'm just saying life's never happy when your wife isn't happy. Happy Wfie, Happy life, or something like that.
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