Sleep or lack thereof

Jan 05, 2010 07:12

So it's been hard lately to sleep. Not because the death of my boss, no this has been going on a couple months. The big problem is that I generally wake up for no particular reason, between 5 and 6 am. When you don't have to be at work till 9 and you enjoy playing night owl with your wife, this can suck a bit.

So here I am, up today around 5.30, in to work before 7. I had gone to bed around 10.30 or 11, completely exhausted - had to be convinced by the wife to even brush my teeth. Then was up around 1am and took in the plants (brr - it's cold out) and here we are.

It's annoying.

In training related news I went to the gym last night and ran on the treadmill for about 20 mins but the treadmill causes me to change my stride and my shins were hurting. So I did another 10 or so mins walking quickly at 15% slope. Followed that up with 10 mins of elliptical trainer - was originally planning on doing more but just wasn't feeling it. Did some core work and some stretching and then called it a day. I decided I'll run outside from home today after work - sure, it can be chilly but I enjoy it more.

Work - yesterday was a pretty awesome work day. FINALLY made some real progress with my Oracle RMAN backups migration. Got the first of what will be many DBs doing both level 0 and level 1 incremental backups from a cron job and doing error checking, etc. It simply rocks.

I've got a couple of technical posts I want to write up on some relatively simple but highly effective cron jobs for backups of mysql and oracle DBs. I realize it's something probably no one reading my blog cares about, but until I get up a work specific site, well, page down.

It's cold, I have coffee and it's time to work. Carry on.
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