A more cheerful post

Jan 03, 2010 08:54

So I'm trying to post more, and hopefully on more cheerful topics than my last one.

I'm still on facebook, but given it's appalling privacy scheme and the general time sync it is, I plan to use my LJ as my primary communication tool still. I do twitter (@aus_effendi) the most, but 140 characters is pretty shallow for someone as gregarious as me.

Onward... the Austin Marathon is Valentines Day this year. This will I think be my first standalone marathon in, oh, 3 or 4 years when I did the Goofy Challenge (1/2 marathon Saturday, full marathon on Sunday) with @mizmizuno. Sure, I've done marathons as part of Ironmans since then, but standalones? Nah.

So I've got that coming up in about 42 days. I'm pretty slow these days but I've been making good improvements on my overall diet and that's helping. Now I just need to be consistent about my training. Because a marathon by itself isn't hard enough, I'm also going to do it in a costume this year - more on the actual costume later. In the meantime, if anyone has super seamstress/tailor skills and is willing to help me out, let me know. Part of the challenge will be making the outfit out of wicking materials - a marathon is a long time to try running in non-breathable polyester (and OMG the chafing!!)

I ran hard (avg HR was about 185) at town lake trail yesterday and avg'd about 8 min miles for the 7 mile loop - I ran much faster but had water breaks in there, so I just fudged the numbers a bit. Anyhow, took that to the online pace calculators and came up with:

9:42 min/mile Easy run training pace
8:05 min/mile Tempo run training pace
7:18 min/mile Maximum oxygen training pace
6:45 min/mile Speed form training pace
9:42 - 10:56 min/mile Long run training pace
3:44 min/800 Yasso 800s training pace

and a predicted marathon time of 3:46 (8:37 pace)

Yeah, like I've said, I've slowed down. I think I'll be fine as long as I get/stay consistent with my running and diet from here out.
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