it's the whore you'll miss the most when you're away.

Jan 08, 2009 23:04

first the snowpocalypse and now the flooding. wtf man. normal weather, please. it's almost giving me some encouragement to think about moving to a more even tempered climate, as i am really not liking unpredictable weather. but i suppose every area of the earth has some type of unpredictable weather.

the flood waters have receded now (thank god) at my home and we were able to get back in today, but southern counties in washington are just straight up effed... feet and feet of water... water covering freeway overpasses. and the cascades had major, major landslides.

here is a photo essay if you're interested in checking out what's going on. the guy in the kayak is the city i live in, so this is what it was looking like last night and earlier today.,4644,6215,00.html
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