Another bulleted recap entry. Woop.

Nov 25, 2007 10:56

Things that are awesome
  • Pushing Daisies. Its so flamboyant and camp but full of cleavage and great writing and oh man it's the best thing on TV.
  • The Orange Box and Call Of Duty 4.  Both containing far more enjoyment and originality than Halo 3.
  • New Futurama. It's back and still awesome, what more needs to be said.
  • Warhammer Online.
  • Leon beer.
  • The temperature being a cool 20 degrees in late November.
Things that suck
  • My Xbox dieing yet again.  Why is it so hard to make this thing reliable, i mean really now.
  • The writers strike.
  • Buggy PC games. Hellgate is completely unfun in its current state and The Witcher refuses to play for more than 10 minutes before crashing.
  • Why do i always resubscribe to WoW when i know i'll grow bored of it after a few days.  The new expansion needs to hurry up and get here.
  • The Maple Leafs.  Fuckin Toronto, get your act together and start winning :(
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