this bullshit, it's easy to update this way.

Apr 01, 2007 22:55

90. First off, what is your name?

89. What did you do last night?
Apparently I made the night a competition, right Jordan? haha MMMMMM WENDYS.

88. Do you have a same sex best friend that you can talk to 24/7?

87. Do you have any siblings?
23yr old brotha, he's really brown and fat.

86. Where are you exactly?
My room.

85. Favorite color(s)?
Green & blue.

84. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say?
I'm not picking the 7th one, I'm picking my favorite one and it's by Erik.
"Boobs in my face yeah!"

83. Who sits beside you in math?
Nobody. Ian when he's sneaking over.

82. Who sits to the left in english?
Argh, I can't spell her name.

81. Where is your mom right now?
In her bed.

80. Do you have any kids?
The boys I hang out with are my kids, mommy knows what they like from Taco Bell.

79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?

78. Closest black object?
My lip ring :(

77. Closest silver object?

76. Have you ever jumped a fence for any reason?
Ummm, yeah.

75. Do you sing in the shower?
Uhh, sometimes.

74. Do you own any pets?
2 dogs.

73. How does your hair look right now?

72. Last time you listened to country music?
That fucking Carrie Underwood song stalks me.

71. Last movie you seen?
Watching Cast Away with Steveeenn.

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
No one in this world. No one deserves to die, I don't give a fuck what you did.

69. What are your fears?
oceans. drowning. water pretty much?

68. What do you hear right now?
Family Guy.

67. How many drugs are in ur system right now?
Crazy pills.

66. Favorite drink?
d00d baja blast mmmmmm.

65. What are you wearing?
Uhh clothes?

64. Who was the last person to comment you?

63. Do you sing?

62. Screamo or Country?
Ha. Screamo Steve, lolololololol.

61. Rock or Rap?

60. Chocolate or vanilla?

59. Who did you last call?
Umm, Annamaria.

58. Who last called you?

57. What jewelry do you wear daily?
Well, I don't have a necklace anymore but my watch I guess.

56. What are you doing now?
Talking to Steve, watching family guy and doing this.

55. Who was the last person you said I love you too?

54. Would you die for someone?

53. If so, who?
Anyone of my friends or family.

52. Are you cold right now?

51. What do you smell right now?
My nose is stuffed.

50. Do you have to pee right now?
Yeah, I do actually.

49. What did you dream about last night?
I don't wanna talk about it, hah.

48. What are you doing tomorrow?
Ugggh, school. I need to grocery shop though.

47. Which day are you most excited about this week?
I guess Friday? No school? Yup.

46. Favorite animal?
I like giraffes.

45. What's so special about this day?

44. Bedsheet color?
Hey, I don't use bedsheets.

43. Favortie football team?
My face.

42. Carpet or wood in your room?

41. Bad rumor about yourself that you've heard?
Hahahah, I don't even give a fuck what bitches say. Here I wanna make one, MY TITS ARE FAKE.

40. Favorite basketball team?
My vagina.

39. Do you like beer?
No. No. No. Gross, I don't like alcohol at all.

38. Can you do a cartwheel?
Haha nope.

37.What's your favorite candle scent?
I don't know?

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Yeah, no I'm not fucking anorexic.

35. America or Canada?
D00d Canada.

34. What makes you mad?

33. What if you found out you were adopted?
I'd be likee, sweet.

32. Jeans or Sweatpants?
Hmm, I don't know. Both.

31. Long sleeve shirts or short sleeve?

30. Ever been arrested?
Too many fucking times.

29. Do you have socks on?

28. Do you own any big sunglasses?
No. I wear glasses, what the hell would be the point?

27. Have you ever cried so hard you puked?

26. Last time you cried?
Uhhh, I don't remember. That's weird.

25. Friend you've know the longest and still talk to?

24. Friend you've known the shortest amount of time?
Umm, Kelly?

23. Have you recently talked to an ex?
No, but with my luck his ass is gonna call tomorrow.

22. How long were you and your ex together?
14 months.

21. Size of your bed?

20. Favorite time of the year?

19. Favorite TV show?
Intervention? Adult Swim does it too.

18. Do you like 80s movies?
The 80's was where it was at.

17. Favorite sport to watch?
I can tolerate any.

16. Last two numbers in your cell phone number?

15. What kinda music do you like?

14. Are you a crazy stalker?
f0 sh0

13. Best city you've visited?
I don't know, but I love my hometown d00d. Newwww York.

12. Been to London?
Airport count?

11. Favorite room in your house?

10. Favorite subject at school?
English, because she's such a ridiculous teacher.

9. Been to college?
Not yet.

8. Favorite shape?
What the fuck.

7. Favorite time of day?

6. Ever licked someones cheek?

5. Watch all Spiderman movies?

3. What are you looking forward to?

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?'
Haha yes it's fucking terrifying.

1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep?
I have to be tired off my ass to snore. Sometimes talk, but never walked.
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