Feb 14, 2005 21:37
Well today i got sick at school came home...got sick on the way home in my car.....got sick after i took a shower..til feel like shit......also i found out that this guy i went to school with got killed in a car accident in VA...Steven Parsons.....it sad...b/c me and him were cool...i mean we talked at hopewell...but we were the type to hangout together....but if i saw him i would say hey and talk to him.....i feel sorry for his family....b/c he was only 18.......And then Gina had to put Nooch to sleep....he was getting to old....i know what that feels like to have a a dog everysince they were a puppy to watch them grow old ...and then have to put them down...its happened on my 11 bday.....but on a happier note we got two puppies....Pepper is hapy she has some play mates...they are German Sheppard and Saint Bernard mix...so they will be BIG DOGS when they get older....but they are only 6 weeks old....the boy is Dusty...and the girl is Sandy.....they are SOOO cute.....but i have to get soem rest....b/c i missed 3 out of 5 days of school last week. So i have to go to class tomorrow....and i also have to go to work tomorrow.... :( but then i only have to work thrus ...but friday my aunt, uncle, cousin and his wife are coming in town...but i am also suppose to go see a movie with Lori...but who knows....but Thursday i work in Cosmetics...so i am excited about that....i don't have to close the lab...but i have to go now..sleepy....and still feel icky....but i don't have to be to school until 11:30...asta