I'm like one of santa's elves, only instead of wooden toys, I make people bleed. Well, and I really don't care if they've been naughty or nice. And I guess its not a gift, being a paid service.
OK, I'm short and its December.
So of course today I do an unexpected and cool piece, on the day that I walk to work without my bag or camera, despite seeing it next to the computer. And of course, I leave Stump's ridiculously nice camera on the last time I used it, so the batteries are so low it won't take a photo. So here, for your viewing pleasure, are some photos taken with my sidekick of tonights tattoo, in stunning 1.3 megapixel resolution... This is a two parter, folks, with the exciting conclusion coming up thursday, at which point I will have photos, and both elbows will be tattooed. Hopefully it wont look too gnarly as it heals. Oh, and congrats to Mike for being such a trooper, because I tattooed his ELBOW for three hours. Half an hour on mine and I was begging for death's sweet release. Anyway, enough of me being chatty, here are some photos.
Oh, and here's a spider on the underboob from earlier this week.
Sorry I didn't put it behind a cut, I'm just lazy...