Practicing my mad hermit skillz

Apr 14, 2009 11:32

I haven't posted in awhile, as I really haven't had anything to report lately. Let me warn you now that this will be a rather whiney post... I am at my wit's end. Run away while you can :)

I have been having timeable, painful contractions off and on for the past month. I quit my Microsoft contract two weeks early as our little one's arrival was supposed to happen 'any day now' - this has been going on for the past four weeks. Ugh. I am exhausted, frustrated, and losing faith in the concept of this pregnancy ever reaching an end point. At this point, I wonder if I will even believe when I actually AM in labor. I'm not really keen on having our little one at home - it has the potential to be awfully messy. Eeew.

We had another frustrating evening last night. I had spent the day feeling... incorrect. I had been having pretty constant menstrual-like pain and contractions off and on throughout the day, but chose to ignore it, as they weren't unbearable or anything worth getting everyone up in arms about. I knew that if this was real there would be a point where I couldn't ignore them any longer.

Well, that point came last night when I finally allowed Matt to start timing them. As you may have guessed... I am getting REALLY sick of timing contractions. At that point, they were coming about 2-3 minutes apart, lasting between 1 to 1:30 minutes for more than an hour, and were too painful to speak through. I realize that this is further along than I am suppposed to wait, but I am having a rather difficult time believing when labor is truly happening these days.

Just as I had started to give in to the idea that maybe we should go to the hospital again, the last few contractions before we left seemed less intense. I asked Matt to wait just a bit longer & once again, as I figured... the whole process slowed down. Again. Ugh. To be honest though, I was so tired by that point that I welcomed the rest.

Right now, I'm feeling like the boy who cried wolf. When labor decides to ACTUALLY progress, either myself or Matt won't believe that it's really happening. Hrm. Poor Matt - I bet he's having a difficult time staying positive through all of these false alarms (though he would never admit it).

On the plus side... I spoke to the doctor this morning & she is as stumped by my situation as I am. So, at least I'm not going completely mental. I have another appointment tomorrow, and will report on status if anything changes... Until then, I remain all dressed up with nowhere to go. Grr.

x-posted from babytron


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