Only 6 weeks left - and STILL so much to do! This whole car crash thing has really put a kink in our plans for getting everything done in time. Hrm.
Ok, mental to-do list...
- Make slipcover for footstool in the nursery
- Make knockoff changing station (this weekend?)
- Finish painting downstairs
- Get wall graphics ordered & placed for upstairs stairwell
- Finish replacing door handles in upstairs hallway
- Get mobile ordered - I found THE mobile... I just need to get it soon... Before it's sold!!
- Start making up the difference in the baby registry, so we're not hit with a big bill right after babytron is born
- Get taxes sorted & finished
- Stock freezer with a month's worth of meals
- Maybe even get garden plans finalized & materials priced out, if there's still time
- Oh yeah, and sign up for those pesky childbirth classes - if I can still get in at this point - ugh
No rest for the wicked. Hrm.
x-posted from