Aug 26, 2008 09:21
I need new strings. A string on my bass broke last night during practice... I hadn't bought strings in so long, I must've thrown out the last batch of old ones I took off, so I had no spares. I had to leave practice early. After I left, I suppose there must've been some sort of discussion, because, when I got home, I got a call, thanking me for my efforts and asking when I could come pick up my amp later this week and a few lame apologies and excuses. This isn't a disaster, though. It was good to be playing again, but it was definitely not the right group of guys. I have a very good sense of musical variety and space and melody and they could put together interesting song pieces, but didn't really understand the musicality I was trying to bring to it. The phrase that will echo through my head is, "it sounds kinda gay when you do that, could you not do that?" I don't think I've ever been told that one of my bass lines is wrong for a song. I want to believe it was just a matter of taste or style... but the songwriter dude will always be that "young, pushy and impatient guy with no sense of musical space" in my mind.
Even though I was half-relieved to be out of this musical situation, I still want to play, so I was a little upset. If nothing else, I have to go through the effort of finding musicians, again, and that's a lot more effort than I originally imagined it to be. A little sadness and/or stress brought out all my usual urges. My first urge was the "nasty letter" ... to go post on craigslist about not wanting to play with "impatient, pushy kids" and having unencumbered "freedom to use space, variety and melody" in my basslines... but I quickly squashed that idea. It was replaced with my go-to urge in times of stress and light depression: spending money. It started innocently enough, looking into the exhaust fan for the mac. But I was doing it on my zombie PC downstairs, which needed software updates... then I started looking into what kind of hardware was in there and whether I could max it out. It's not like it was running slow at all and I barely ever even use that machine. I had an amazon cart full of hardware, when I came to my senses and realized I was stress-spending (like stress-eating, but more expensive). I can spend money today on much more necessary things, like a haircut and an eye exam and new sunglasses.... and maybe new strings.
I guess this means I don't need to pick up my 18" cabinet when I go back east. I should probably retrieve it from whoever has it and get it to Mom's, so I can have it shipped out here, when and if it does become necessary. We still haven't firmed up any definite days for the week I'm out there, but the requests for hang-out time are coming in quickly, so if you haven't commented or eMailed me, do it soon. T-Minus 6 or 7 Days ... or something like that.