
Jul 09, 2010 19:41

Fun: Going to the zoo with free coupons to get in and more free coupons to get sodas. Seeing the river otters totally hamming it up for the passersby, realizing that the zoo now has an alpaca, having many of the normally nocturnal animals be awake and active at 2:00 for some reason, and seeing a bird in the southwest exhibit wigging out over giving itself a dustbath.

Not fun: Becoming so inexplicably tired after said adventure that I came home and fell asleep for an hour, then woke up feeling completely groggy and out of it, with my lower back hurting enough (also for not apparent reason) that I'm considering Large Scale Pain Meds. Which means, of course, no writers' meeting, which I had been planning on going to all week. And I'm not very good when I have to change plans abruptly.

In short, I feel pissy and crappy tonight. The only small bit of solace is that Eureka starts. I hope this season is better than last, though.


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