The state of California has this initiative system. The idea is to allow to the people to rise up and enact laws that our elected officials refuse to enact. To do this you must A) Submit the language of the law and $200 to the Secretary of State, B) the Secretary of State then provides a 'circulating title and summery', C) Petitions are circulated with the circulating title and summery, D) if petitions are returned with unique voter signatures equal to or greater than 5% of the votes cast in the last gubernatorial election then the measure goes to the voters in the next statewide election. This is all well and good.
Let's look at this list of measures that are currently submitted for step A:
- A New Hope for California - Formation of a government panel to separate California from the rest of the USA. Looks to be mostly about access to federal land and water.
- The California Alimony Reform Act - Haven't read the whole thing but looks to abolish Alimony
- Sodomite Suppression Act - Orders the Governemnt to kill all sodomites and deport anyone possession sodomite propaganda
- The California Drug Price Relief Act - Prohibits CA Dept of Health to spend more than Veterans Affairs on prescription drugs.
- Revised Use of Reasonable Force Act of 2015 - Requires review of 'Reasonable Force' laws and training of police officers
- The California National Flag Act - Requires the California State Flag to be flown in first honor above the USA flag.
- California Independence in Statewide Elections Act - A candidate, committee, or slate mailer organization may not receive funds out of state
- The President of California Act - Replaces the title 'Governor' with 'President'
- Intolerant Jackass Act - Fines and sensitivity training for anyone who submits ballot language for the killing of sodomites.
Note: the proposed measures separating CA from the US (A New Hope, Flag Act, Independence in Elections and President of CA) are all submitted by the same person.
Can we 5150 (psychiatric hold) the whole state.