should i believe it?

Jan 12, 2005 14:54

ok..courtney stops me in the hallway yesterday..and goes

court: Caitlin..guess what dan told me?
me: idk what?
court: he told me that all the guys on the wrestling team thought u were hot!
me: what?!?
court: yea..omg isnt that great?
me: yea but do they even no me?
court: idk..but he said that guys from the jv..and varsity!
me: oh..really
court: yea and they told dan to have me bring u!..they want to see u AGAIN!
me: r u sure its me?
court: yea..omg! this is so cool..well g2g ttyl
i dont no if i should believe this or not..i mean its kindof strange how all of sudden people think that im "hot". i mean i thought people thought that i was ugly..i mean sure people arent going to tell me that im ugly to my face ..but i've heard idk. theres a game tonight but its away so courtney wants me to go to the game saturday. i even asked dan and he said that they were talking about ME. i mean this makes me happy to no that someone COULD like me.. but it just seems like a set-up.
should i go?..should i believe it or not?
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