May 22, 2005 08:25
Well, it's over. But don't worry, things Andy and I have things set up where everything will be fine. Yes, i'm heartbroken right now...but i will get better--things will get better. i haven't cried at all today, unless you count last night at midnight today. hmmm...oh well. maybe it is all for the best. i miss him though....but missing him or crying about missing him won't do me any good. I'll be fine. C'est la vie. (that's life) the band banquet was pretty good. i got a few awards like...umm....musicianship award, most improved section (go horns), all around sophomore girl, and my band letter. I also made section leader. i would tell everything something else about the wonderful new leadership for next year, but i'll let them put it in theirs first because that wouldn't be fair to them. I'm excited though. Well, i have to go to church. adios.