Title: Bloodtests, Spandex, and the Debauchery of Captain America Artist: tripperfunster Author: eeyore9990 Rating: NC-17 fic with worksafe art Universe: Movieverse Word Count: ~9850 Warnings: None.
:D Thank you! I did a huge "fwoomp" upon posting this. And in two weeks, it will be completely stomped into the ground by the movie, but I won't care because MOVIE OMG.
Hell yeah, we're in the ANALS! With lube! (because we're nice like that)
ZOMG, you need to fly down here on the 4th and go see this movie with me now. You know, so we can laugh at how the movie mocks my mental canon of what the movie SHOULD be.
Thank you, darling! I had so much fun writing this, mostly because I got to watch all the trailers for, you know, "research." And the movies. And the trailers some more. And I might have turned on Thor a few times too, just to make sure I got the hammer swing down right. Because that scene with him pulling on those jeans? Yeah, that's researchable. *cough*
Comments 42
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LOVED the line about "You know he resents the 'demi' part." :D
Actually, lots and lots of great lines in this hon. Pretty much everything out of Pepper's mouth is awesome. :D
And mutherfuckin' snakes on a mutherfuckin' plane shall go down in the ANALS of history. Oh yeah, I spelled that right. :D
ZOMG, you need to fly down here on the 4th and go see this movie with me now. You know, so we can laugh at how the movie mocks my mental canon of what the movie SHOULD be.
And GORGEOUS art. Awesome work, both of you.
When does this damn movie come out again???
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