Part 2 of Kara's Wardrobe:
Her waitress uniform
A too big jacket. I'm guessing that maybe it's Finley's?
The first of many white tops she'll be wearing for the next few episodes.
A white (and gold?) sweatshirt at the One Republic concert.
Two white shirts! And I think that's the necklace that Lex gave her with the GPS tracking device in it.
White sweater! I don't really like sweaters with necks like this, but I think she pulls it off.
In her pajamas at Lex's mansion. I think those might be the same bottoms from Cure, but a different tank top.
Chloe takes Kara to the FOS in her WHITE winter coat.
She's back in her red and blue to save Clark!
I'm shocked that this isn't a tank top. I think she looks cute here.
She's back in white and brown again, but her hair is perfectly curled like it was when she first arrived.
A different shot of the same outfit.
She's back in blue and red to save Lana and fly off with Brainiac, but it's the reverse colors of Clark's "hero" outfit.
Kara as Linda (Danvers?) in Clark's AU.
Clothing continuity! She's wearing the same thing she left wearing in Veritas.
I think this color looks great on her! Even if it's Brainiac pretending to be Kara and touching Clark inappropriately.
These look like the same pajamas she's worn before, but I can't tell for sure.
Brainiac as Kara posing as a flight attendant. I think she pulls off the stewardess look quite convincingly.
Back in her "uniform." But still Brainiac...
Phantom Zone Chic.
Back in her red and blue before she flies away.