Nov 27, 2008 22:19

I guess it's more of a trip home than a vacation. When think of a vacation I think of going someplace new and interesting and not my parents' house. :-) I'm really excited to see my family though. I can't wait to see my nieces. One of them just turned 3 years old and the other one (who I've only seen once) is 4 months old now.

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be on lj the next few days. Besides being busy with family, my parents' computer is even slower than mine!

I'm nervous again about leaving my doggie at sleepaway camp. I'm sure she'll be fine, but she's my baby, you know? I think she knows something's up because she's seemed extra cuddly/clingy today...not that I'm complaining. :-)

I always get nervous about the whole flying thing too.  It's not the actual being in an airplane that makes me so nervous. It's more the stress of dropping off Lucy at camp, getting to the airport in enough time, not missing my connection, etc...I don't think I'll have to worry about the last one tomorrow though because I have a 3 hour layover in Charlotte, NC!

I rewatched Odyssey and Lazarus Rising tonight. I enjoyed them both (again) and thought it was interesting to watch the season premiere of SPN after having 10 more episodes of information than I did the first time around. I never noticed during Odyssey that after Clark's and Oliver's faux fight that Oliver had some cuts and bruises on his face too. I guess I was too busy staring at Tom...

"I like to think it's because of my perky nipples." Oh Dean...he has such great lines! :-)

I hope that everyone who celebrates it had a good Thanksgiving- I'm very thankful for all of my lj friends! I'm very lucky to have all of you. I hope everyone has a good weekend!

supernatural, smallville, family, flying

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