Bloodline Babbling

Nov 09, 2008 03:09

I've watched Bloodline on the tiny screen of my iPod twice and once on TV. Overall, I liked the episode, but there were some issues. I apologize in advance because I think this commentary is even more rambling and random than usual.

I liked the Lois and Clark stuff- the banter at the beginning and end, the way Clark was protective of her in the Phantom Zone and how he tried to reassure her that everything was okay.



Lois as Faora I was kind of iffy about. I found it more believable after a third viewing. I guess she still had all of Lois' memories like Zod did when he took over Lex?  How come when Tess saw the guy passed out or dead on the floor she barely blinked? What was that? I guess she realized that Lois wasn't herself? I'm not sure.

It was definitely weird to see a scene inside the Kent house without any Kents, but Chloe and Tess instead. When Tess asked what Chloe wants from Clark- doesn't she know that they're best friends? What more of a reason does Chloe need to defend or protect him?

I was glad that Clark was so happy to see Kara. I loved the line, "you are my home," although I would normally think of that line being used in a romantic way. It was a little annoying that Kara was playing the martyr by staying in the Phantom Zone so she wouldn't make the same mistake that Clark did. I felt like she wanted to add the word "dumbass" to the end of her sentence when she told Clark her reason for staying.


I guess Oliver is going to be stuck on that tiny plane set all season- pretty lame. I was surprised at his reaction of not wanting to get involved with Clark's alien stuff. When Clark made the comment about everyone having a key to the Kent House, I was thinking that he probably keeps the place unlocked anyway since they're out in the middle of nowhere.

Why would Clark send Kara to John Jones for help when she hates him? That was weird. When Kara sucked the phantom out of Lois and Lois fell over onto Clark, I laughed. When Kara asked if Lois was okay and Clark said, "I hope so," or whatever I thought he was going to follow up with, "now get her off me." :-)


I haven't mentioned the Davis/Doomsday stuff yet- it didn't really interest me. So he arrived on Earth as genetic matter attached to Clark's spaceship? How did Zod and Faora manage that? So Davis is Kryptonian and invulnerable? I don't completely understand.

Was Clark wearing the same purple shirt/purple tie combo that he had on at the end of Committed? I thought he was, but it could have been a blue shirt, it was hard for me to tell...

When Clark said to Tess that a lot of people have work boots, I wanted her to say, "but not many people wear a size 14!"

Also, when Clark said the thing about Tess firing him and Tess said that she didn't want to fire him, the way she was looking at him, I felt like she wanted to add, "I do, however, want to strip you naked and lick honey off your entire body." Or maybe that was just me...;-)

polytikal mentioned that some people thought there was a Jor-el/Louise reference made. I'm guessing it's when Faora said, "like father, like son?" When I first watched, I thought she was referring to Jor-el maybe having feelings for Faora, but maybe she was talking about both of them having feelings for humans.

I was surprised to see Kara fly- I would have figured it wasn't in the budget. Unless they reused footage...Where did Kara get the charm she was wearing around her neck?


How come Clark wiped off Lois' blood because, "they can smell it," but he left his own forehead all bloody?

I can't forget to mention that Tom Welling looked gorgeous, of course. I thought he looked especially cute (kind of in a little boy way) with his hair blowing around in every direction and all bloody...



bloodline, tom welling, smallville, season 8

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