I'm bored. And what does Brianne do when she's bored? She makes a picspam. Over the weekend, I re-watched some Season 3 episodes. I bring you some screencaps from Exile courtesy of SmallvilleDedication:
For some reason, seeing him with this mask on, always freaks me out a little...
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming of Clark to ask you:
What the hell is wrong with Chloe's hair???? I think it looks terrible.
We now re-join our regularly scheduled programming already in progress:
Tom/Clark looks so smug here!
Tom truly plays pain like no other...
Please Stand By, we are having major hair-related technical difficulties...
Phew! We're back on track now:
Look at that arm!!!
I love that it was Tom's idea to put his feet up on the table.
He's so pleased with himself! And showing off some fang.