Fun (Hopefully) Smallville Question

Aug 13, 2011 07:55

I'm pretty sure we've played this game before, but it's been awhile so I'm asking again: Name your favorite cheesy/cracktastic episode of Smallville or maybe an episode that you really like, but the majority of  "us" didn't?

When I thought of cheesy goodness, 3 episodes immediately came to my mind: Aqua, Exposed, & Fierce. I think these 3 episodes range from the "so bad it's good" category to the "it's actually bad" category, but I'd still rather watch any of these than a lot of the episodes from Seasons 9 or 10.

I think the main objective in Aqua & Exposed might have been getting Erica Durance into skimpy clothing, but they still entertain me. Getting Laura Vandervoort into a skimpy bikini might have been the main idea behind Fierce too...It's not like the acting from any of the guest stars in these episodes were award-worthy. I guess they're like junk food for the brain.

Coincidence or not, I have icons for all 3 of these episodes. :-)

Anyone else want to play?

exposed, aqua, fierce, smallville

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