Buffy Goes To West Bev in Smallville

Jun 06, 2011 10:48

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, TeenNick recently started showing the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I originally thought they were starting in the middle, but I was wrong. I've seen about 8 episodes now of the first season and I am definitely noticing some comparisons between Buffy and other shows.

The first thing that continues to be jarring to me is the fact that Sunnydale High School is the same place as West Beverly Hills High School from Beverly Hills 90210. I guess Torrance High School (the real name of the school) is all about pimping themselves out for TV. It's so strange to me though!!!

I know that Buffy came before Smallville, but since Smallville is the show that I watched first, I keep thinking that Buffy is like a combination of Charmed and Smallville.

I would think that some of these similarities can't be avoided. Of course, on a supernatural show, you're going to have storylines that are "Freak of the Week," or some variation on that.

So, not only do BtVS share similar storylines- freak of the week, trying to live a normal life when you have extraordinary abilities or responsibilities, etc...But they also share similar characters.

The whole "Scooby-Gang" thing is a repeat- Buffy, Willow, & Xander, and then Clark, Chloe, & Pete. Chloe & Pete didn't know about Clark's abilities though. There's also the various love triangles, which you would find in any (teen) show: Willow loves Xander, Xander loves Buffy, Buffy loves Angel, Angel is a tortured soul.

Willow=Chloe in a lot of ways including the unrequited love and the computer hacking skills. Did people in the fandom make these comparisons all the time? I know I'm not uncovering anything new, just sharing.

Xander is kind of a combination of Clark & Pete to me. He's the best friend (like Pete), he's oblivious to Willow's feelings (like Clark was to Chloe's), and he pines after the beautiful girl (like Clark with Lana).

Buffy is a combination of Clark & Lana to me. She has the special powers (like Clark), she's not popular but has her own circle of friends (like Clark), she desperately wants a "normal life" (like Clark), and various guys are in love with her (like Lana).

As for Cordelia, I don't have a Smallville person to compare her to yet. I think she's bitchier than Kelly Taylor was at the beginning of Beverly Hills 90210, but I *think* she might end up as one of the gang? This is just from what I remember hearing about the show, not from anything I've observed yet. I wonder if Charisma Carpenter ever plays a nice girl?

Remember, these are my observations after only 8 episodes so it's possible my views could change.

I'd be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts who have watched BtVS.

One more thing: I much prefer David Boreanaz over Rob Pattinson. :-)

buffy the vampire slayer, beverly hills 90210, smallville

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