Fic Advent Days 10-12

Jan 17, 2015 00:14

That Towel for woowon
Girl!Baekhyun/Girl!Kyungsoo; R I guess; sexytimes; 958 words
This is such a non-story but I kind of see it going elsewhere so that's my excuse. Hope you like it!!

Baekhyun knows a pair of nice tits when she sees them. She can tell how nice they're going to be even if they're covered by layers and layers of clothing, of course, but it's nice to see them in just a sports bra. All pushed up and full-looking. Baekhyun kind of loves that.

And Kyungsoo...Kyungsoo's tits are God-sent. They're huge but don't overwhelm her petite frame, they're perfectly round and probably super perky, and not to mention they're pale and smooth and look incredibly soft.

Somehow, Kyungsoo is the full package because she also has a great ass. Baekhyun wouldn't go so far as to say Kim Kardashian or Nickin Minaj ass, but definitely Doutzen Kroes-in-a-bodycon-dress kind of ass. And God, Kyungsoo is pretty. Baekhyun's practically drooling, watching Kyungsoo on the stairstepper.

Kyungsoo glances over, giving Baekhyun a look like "why are you staring," but it's not a mean glare. Kyungsoo knows how gay Baekhyun is - they were hallmates freshman year and Baekhyun made no attempts to hide her sexuality. Kyungsoo also probably knows how hot Baekhyun thinks she is. But she's never said anything to approve or disapprove of that notion, and so Baekhyun continues to stare.

Baekhyun herself has no boobs or ass to speak of, but she doesn't mind too much because she still has shape. She takes pride in her tiny waist and shapely legs. But that doesn't stop her from being in absolute awe of Kyungsoo's glamorous figure, especially when all Kyungsoo is wearing is a sports bra and a pair of tight shorts.

"Baekhyun, if you're not going to use the elliptical properly, let someone else use it," Kyungsoo scolds, but Baekhyun just sighs.

"I'm burned out," she complains fakely, and Kyungsoo gives her a look that says she's being ridiculous.

"Seriously?" she asks. "Okay, I guess we can leave, then. Let's go get cleaned up and then we can go back to the dorm."

They head downstairs to where the showers are, and Kyungsoo waits until the shower curtain is drawn to undress, throwing her sweaty workout clothes over the shower. Her towel is hanging just outside her stall.

And oh, is Baekhyun tempted. That towel is the only thing standing between Baekhyun and Kyungsoo's glorious body. And it's there. Just there for the taking.

So she does it. Baekhyun just does the thing, she grabs that towel and stows it away with hers, heart pounding because who knows what's going to happen? If Kyungsoo gets upset, Baekhyun can just play it off as a harmless practical joke and give Kyungsoo her towel back.

But if she doesn't get mad...oh, the possibilities running through Baekhyun's mind are both endless and ridiculously exciting. It's kind of crazy how much she can imagine of Kyungsoo, the plush lips, and the soft bosom. She wants that. Baekhyun wants to touch so bad, but she also doesn't want to push Kyungsoo to do things she's not comfortable with. Kyungsoo's comfort is number one in Baekhyun's mind. Besides boobs.

So when Baekhyun hears the water subside, the adrenaline coursing through her veins is pumping so fast that it's basically got her swaying in place. It's maddening.

"Baekhyun..." comes Kyungsoo's warning voice. "Where is my towel?"

Baekhyun laughs, trying not to sound nervous. "I guess you'll have to come over here and get it!"

She hears Kyungsoo's curtain move just a bit, as if Kyungsoo's sneaking her head out to have a word with Baekhyun. And then suddenly, Kyungsoo, in all her naked glory, makes an appearance in Baekhyun's stall.

Baekhyun's speechless. She's trying to say something but all she can get out is a few awkward chokes. "Wow," she finally breathes, and Kyungsoo smirks at her.

It's better than Baekhyun could have hoped. Kyungsoo's boobs are incredible - like, way better than any porn star Baekhyun's ever seen. And her waist is skinny and her hips are made for holding on to.

"Want to touch?" Kyungsoo offers, and Baekhyun thinks she must be dreaming. This can't be happening, right? It's been like a year since Baekhyun has become interested in Kyungsoo and this is suddenly happening now?

"Yes," Baekhyun replies hungrily, casting aside all her confusion because if Kyungsoo offered, there is no way in hell Baekhyun's going to refuse. She reaches out to put her skinny fingers on those amazing boobs, and suddenly, Baekhyun is in heaven. She's absolutely in heaven.

She squeezes, pushes, kneads. Kyungsoo is smiling mildly until she suddenly reaches out to touch Baekhyun's tiny excuses for breasts. "Is this okay?" she asks, knowing full well that yes, it is.

"Of course," Baekhyun nearly cries with happiness. This is all she's ever wanted.

"God, I love these," Kyungsoo mutters, letting her thumb brush over Baekhyun's nipple.

"What?" Baekhyun asks, pausing. "You like these?"

"Yes? I'm legit obsessed with small boobs; I thought you of all people would realize that, you dumbass. Have you seen the pictures of celebrities on my wall? Keira Knightley? Zhang Ziyi? Devon Aoki?"

"I thought you just liked them for...their talents, or whatever..." Baekhyun mutters. Kyungsoo laughs.

"Well, I like you for more than your boobs if that's what you're afraid of," Kyungsoo says, tweaking a nipple. Baekhyun lets out a little squeak, because that felt really really good.

She retaliates with a pinch to Kyungsoo's nipple, and Kyungsoo draws back, but smiles. "Maybe we should continue this back at my place," Kyungsoo says, and Baekhyun is all for that idea.

"Yes, yes, yes," she chants, excitedly squeezing Kyungsoo's boobs.

"But first, I'll need my towel back," Kyungsoo reminds Baekhyun, and at this point, Baekhyun is more than happy to return it, because this is just the beginning.

Not a Toy for kojafras
Chanyeol/Kai; NC-17; porn with a little plot; 1348 words
This shouldn't even count as a fill bc it's so bad but I hope you treat me gently and slightly enjoy it at least <3

Sometimes, Chanyeol feels important. When he's got servants handing him all sorts of sweets and goodies, or when a nobleman is coming to consult him on state matters.

Sometimes he doesn't feel important at all. Sometimes he feels horrible and dirty. Like he does right now.

He's at an auction for humans. Humans. They're being auctioned off to be used as whatever the purchaser wants - and Chanyeol knows that most of the nobles here are here to find themselves a whore.

Chanyeol was bullied into coming by the noblemen in his county. Of course, he's expected to conform to the norms of the noblemen and having a fucktoy is just one of these norms. If he doesn't buy one, he'll be shunned. And it's not like Chanyeol hasn't fantasized about this - he has, he wants to have a toy to call his own, to soothe his urges and pent up frustrations whenever he feels like it. But fantasies are meant to stay fantasies, Chanyeol's discovered. He doesn't want to violate someone who doesn't want to be violated. It's not fair to them and it makes Chanyeol feel like the basest of creatures - someone who doesn't even care about human life or dignity.

But he has to buy someone. None of the ladies catch his eye. They're all beautiful, yes, with lithe figures and pretty faces, long hair and eyelashes, red cheeks, red lips, but Chanyeol's just not interested in them. He's about to give up when the first man comes up to the podium to be displayed.

"Kai!" the announcer cries. "He's beautiful and slim - a former dancer for the Prince of the North!" The crowd oohs and ahhs, but Chanyeol stays silent, observing the man. He looks soft, with floppy brown hair and tanned skin, but he doesn't look happy. He looks like he hasn't slept properly in days - weeks, maybe, and he looks sad. He looks like he wishes he could escape the prying eyes of these lecherous noblemen. Suddenly, Chanyeol has the urge to take this boy under his wing.

"One thousand!" Chanyeol cries, starting the bid for this boy quite high. The others look at him, impressed that he's finally showing such drive, and Chanyeol wishes they wouldn't stare. He doesn't like that they want him to want this boy. He's not going to take him to violate him. He's going to take him to caress him, to feed him, to give him a warm bed. That's all he wants.

The bids increase well into the ten thousands, and Chanyeol knows that people want this boy. He's a former court dancer - it's no wonder everyone wants him. But the thing is, Chanyeol has never bought a toy before. He has plenty of funds to easily win him this one.

The bids go up and up and finally they declare Chanyeol the winner, and he ends up paying nearly thirty thousand for the boy - an unprecedented sum for a male toy. He's presented to Chanyeol as Chanyeol exchanges the money. The boy is completely nude, and now that Chanyeol is up close, Chanyeol can see that he's shivering. It's sad.

"Come, we're going to warm you up," Chanyeol says as gently as he possibly can.

"I don't want to have sex with you," Kai says bitingly, and Chanyeol smiles because clearly he has some fight left in him.

"I don't want to have sex with you either," Chanyeol responds. "I want you to be wrapped up in a blanket in front of a warm fire eating chicken with me. Does that sound alright?"

Kai looks at him incredulously, as if Chanyeol is lying to get him into his bed. But Chanyeol really wants to see some meat around the toy's ribs, he wants to see the shivers completely dissipate.


Once Kai is in the exact position Chanyeol promised, he opens up a bit. "I'm actually called Jongin," he says, munching on a chicken leg. "Kai was my name back at the Royal Court."

"I see," Chanyeol says. "I'm sure you were a very popular dancer there. Can you show me something?"

Jongin looks at him. "Yes," he says warily, "but I don't want to do a striptease."

"Was that all you did?" Chanyeol asks, and Jongin shakes his head.

"Mostly striptease, but sometimes I did more rhythmic dances where I was allowed some clothes. And I had to do lapdances a lot. I...I don't like doing that."

"I don't think I'd like it either. You don't have to strip for me," Chanyeol says. "Just dance however you'd like."

"Yes, master," Jongin replies, standing up. Chanyeol stops him.

"You really don't have to call me that," he says. "I don't want you to think of me as one of those old men who only wants you for your body. I bought you to get you out of there and to get the noblemen off my back. Just call me Chanyeol."

"Okay...Chanyeol," he says shyly, and Chanyeol's heart jumps because suddenly, Jongin is extremely cute. Jongin gets up and starts swaying to imaginary music, letting his body flow with whatever melody is playing inside his head. It's beautiful, the way he moves, and Chanyeol understands now why people took Jongin for a whore. The way he rolls his body is undeniably sensual, and the way he glances at Chanyeol with dusky eyes makes Chanyeol's heart pound. It's wonderful.

"Wow," Chanyeol breathes when Jongin finally sits down. "That was amazing." And Jongin smiles a beautiful, brilliant smile.

"Thank you," he says.


That night, Jongin crawls into bed with Chanyeol, completely naked, and Chanyeol is confused, because he thought he cleared up the fact that he doesn't need Jongin to be his pleasure toy.

"Are you alright?" he asks, because he's not angry or disturbed, just interested.

"Yes," Jongin says. "I may not want to be a whore but that's what I'm trained to be," he reminds his master.

"Jongin, you don't have to. This isn't why I purchased you, remember? I'm pleased you're here," he adds, "but you don't have to do this."

"I'm here because I am your pet," Jongin says, and Chanyeol sits up, shaking his head.

"No, no no," he says. "You're not my pet. You're my companion. Someone I respect and want to care for. I don't want to push you."

"You are pushing me," Jongin says quietly. "You're pushing me away."

Chanyeol pauses, looking at Jongin, and for the first time, he sees a look of hunger in Jongin's eyes that wasn't there before. " want this? Is this really what you want?"

"Yes, please, just let me suck you at least," Jongin says wantonly, scooting closer to Chanyeol. And of course, Chanyeol loves that idea but he's honestly not sure if Jongin loves it too.

"Are you sure? You're one hundred percent sure? I'd love you to, but that's -"

Jongin wastes no time, smiling that brilliant smile at his master before ducking down and ridding Chanyeol of his undergarments. From the first kittenish lick at his balls, Chanyeol is in heaven. Jongin is fancied by the Royal Court for a reason - it's clear now. The sucking noises he's making are obscene yet beautiful and Chanyeol couldn't ask him to stop now.

Jongin is skilled, working his way up and down Chanyeol's cock, in and out of his slit, teasing his inner thighs. It's all maddening and wonderful, and when he comes in ropes, Jongin swallows every last drop, just as a good toy should.

"Was it good?" Jongin asks eagerly, and Chanyeol merely kisses Jongin on the mouth, sweetly and sleepily.

"It was great. You're amazing," he says.

"You kissed me," Jongin says, pressing his fingers to his lips. "Masters don't kiss their toys, usually."

"Didn't I tell you? You're not a toy," Chanyeol reminds him, flipping him over on the bed. "And now, I return the favor," he says. Jongin doesn't protest. He just smiles a smile that says "thank you" and lets Chanyeol take the lead.

Almost Romeo and Juliet for why26planet
Kris/Suho; PG; Mafia!AU; 868 words
I tried to make this different from my other Krisho mafia fic, though I wasn't very successful. Please accept it anyway!

Sometimes, Junmyeon hates being the son of a mafia boss. He's sent to boarding school when he's seventeen. It's the most expensive boarding school in the country, and for some reason, the most lax about rules. Junmyeon supposes that's why his father sent him there - if there's sufficient money, nobody will question the mafia boss's son's presence at the school.

It's not like Junmyeon wanted this life, but he's not about to give it up, either. He has more money than he needs, and the network of his father's 'friends' is more helpful than the money, to be honest. The connections and the influence Junmyeon has is useful, and he doesn't want to get rid of that.

That changes when he meets him. The absolute worst person to fall in love with. Yifan is a policeman's son, and he's keen on following his father's footsteps. But the way Yifan looks at him, the way they smile at each other in the hallways or on the lush green quads connecting decades old buildings...Junmyeon wishes he was a normal kid for once in his life.

Yifan probably knows. He probably realizes what Junmyeon is just as much as Junmyeon realizes what he is. But they don't care. When Yifan finally asks Junmyeon out, it comes with a disclaimer.

"This probably shouldn't happen, but I kind of want it to, do you want to go out?" he asks, and Junmyeon falters before saying yes. He wants to, of course. But their isn't just a bad idea, it's actually dangerous for them to be together.

"Yes, but let's try to not make this turn into Romeo and Juliet," Junmyeon says, and Yifan laughs.

"That sounds like a good idea."


Two blissful months pass, full of kisses and sweet hugs and late night movies cuddled up together. And then their fathers come to visit.

It's unexpected and frankly terrifying, because everyone knows what Junmyeon's father is. The only reason he isn't in jail yet is because there is no proof that this hands are dirty. Everyone looks for as much proof as possible, of course, and Junmyeon's father even has to worry about speeding tickets because he can't afford to get arrested.

Yifan's father knows this. He would love to take in the mafia boss, as would any policeman. It would be the arrest of the century, and it would definitely improve any beat cop's career.

"They don't know we're dating," Yifan whispers to Junmyeon when they've both managed to get away from their fathers. "They have no idea. They don't have to know."

"We can't keep hiding it from them, Yifan," Junmyeon frowns, sitting down on the arm of the library chair Yifan is sitting in. "At some point we're going to want to tell them. We're going to want our families to support us and understand us."

"They're never going to understand us," Yifan insists, and Junmyeon doesn't like that. He glares at his boyfriend.

"What, so we're just going to break up then? Is that what you think would be better for us?"

"No," Yifan clarifies quickly. "No, we'll just...ugh, my father will recognize your father, I'll never hear the end of it. He's going to ask me to spy on you and I just...I can't do that."

"I have nothing to hide," Junmyeon retorts. "If they can't find anything on my father I'm sure he'll have made sure I'm clean too. But...I know what you father will be so mad...he's always wanted me to marry a nice girl from our 'family' but Yifan...seriously, I can't think of anyone but you."

Yifan kisses his boyfriend sweetly before wearing an expression of resolve. "We'll make them choose. It's going to be us or them."

"And what if they choose themselves?" Junmyeon asks nervously, but Yifan merely grins back at him.

"Then we elope!"


"Dad..." Junmyeon says tentatively, "this is Yifan, my boyfriend."

"Ah, boyfriend," his father says calmly. "Didn't we talk about you marrying -"

"Yes, Seulgi, I know," Junmyeon replies, glancing nervously back at Yifan. "But another thing...Yifan's father..."

"He's a policeman, yes, I know," Junmyeon's father nods, waving at his son lazily. "I pay him off regularly. It's no big deal, Junmyeon, I just want to be sure that you're happy."

But Junmyeon can't be happy when he's so confused. Is this really happening? Suddenly their biggest problem has become a non-issue just like that?

"So I can date Yifan?" Junmyeon asks slowly, and Junmyeon's father looks up in surprise, as if this was already a given.

"Of course. Now I don't have to worry about accidental children, it's wonderful. Go have fun," he smiles, and Yifan takes Junmyeon around the middle with happiness.

"Thank you, sir," he grins, pecking Junmyeon on the lips, and Junmyeon smiles.

Sometimes, Junmyeon loves being the son of a mafia boss.

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rating: pg, genre: girls, rating: nc17, !fic advent 2014, genre: what genre, pairing: kris/suho, pairing: chanyeol/kai, genre: smut, genre: fluff, length: drabble, pairing: baekhyun/d.o., rating: r, fandom: exo

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