Fic Advent Days 7-9

Jan 14, 2015 16:57

House Hunters for intoxecated
Chanyeol/Kai; PG; fluff; 667 words
Late again, but here's hoping you kinda like it. Can you tell I was watching HGTV at this time?

They’re lying in bed when Chanyeol pulls Jongin close. “Don’t you think it’s time...don’t you think it’s time we got a house together?”

Jongin props himself up, staring at Chanyeol intently. “Really?” he asks eagerly. “Yeah! Yes!”

“Really?” Chanyeol echoes excitedly. “You really want to?”

“Of course!” Jongin cries, flopping on top of Chanyeol. “I love you,” he giggles, kissing Chanyeol’s face and snuggling up to his boyfriend.


The first house they look at is tiny, horrible, but in a great neighborhood. “It has good schools nearby,” their real estate agent says smilingly, and Jongin’s heart skips a beat because this is their first step to creating a life together.

But this...this isn’t the house to start a family in. They move on.

The next house is bigger, but still a bit old and relatively ugly. It has place for Jongin to dance, but the kitchen is so awkward. Jongin knows Chanyeol will give up a nice kitchen for a great place for Jongin to practice his dancing, but Jongin wants to give Chanyeol something nice too.

“We’ll find a place,” Jongin reassures Chanyeol, hugging him late that night.

“I know,” Chanyeol responds. “But I’m scared that maybe it won’t be perfect.”

“Chanyeol,” Jongin chuckles, weaving his fingers into his boyfriend’s hair, “we can make it perfect. We can change things if we need to, okay? It’s going to be fine.”

“Okay,” Chanyeol smiles, letting Jongin hug him tenderly.


Chanyeol gets called on a business trip the next week but Jongin assures him that he’ll continue looking for houses. Chanyeol calls frequently - worried and stressed - but Jongin won’t let him get anxious about it. “It’s going to be great, Chanyeol, okay? Do your work and don’t worry about a thing.”

And then - the next house - it’s amazing. It’s small, but it has two bedrooms. The kitchen is small but beautiful, and Jongin can see Chanyeol cooking here. The basement is unfinished but if they could finish it, it would be a place that Jongin could dance in the future. There are big windows in the living room that let in tons of light, but best of all, there’s a sunroom in the back. Jongin can envision them there, snuggled up together in the evening or in the morning, drinking coffee or tea or hot chocolate, with a child - someday - just together. Enjoying their time all together. He loves it.

He calls Chanyeol. “I found the place, Chanyeol,” he says excitedly. “It’s perfect - I love you and I love it and it’s perfect. There’s a sunroom - imagine the blanket forts we could make in there - I just...Yeol, it’s amazing.” Jongin gushes about all the details to Chanyeol excitedly, and Chanyeol finally responds.

“Make an offer. Do it. Can we get this house? I can’t wait to see it, Jongin, I just...God, I love you.”

Jongin is excited too.


Their offer is accepted by the time Chanyeol gets back from his business trip, and a month and a half later when they finally start to move in, Chanyeol is once again a bundle of stress.

“It’s going to be fine!” Jongin reassures him when the moving trucks are late. All they have are the pillows, blankets, and one chair they brought in their own car. “Park Chanyeol, listen to me,” Jongin says, standing in the sunroom with Chanyeol. “Listen. When the moving trucks come, we can worry about unpacking and sorting and organizing and decorating but right now we are going to build a blanket fort. Right?”

Chanyeol sighs, looking out the window. And then he turns back to Jongin, grinning. “Right.”

“Good,” Jongin laughs, standing on his tiptoes to kiss Chanyeol. “This is going to be the most perfect house.”

“Yeah, it is,” Chanyeol agrees, letting Jongin help him laugh away the stress. Jongin can see this as being their home forever. And he loves that he can envision forever with Chanyeol.

Team for syupeojunieo
Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi; PG; Pokemon!AU; 1007 words
Please forgive me for I don't know how accurate this is in Pokeverse. I hope you enjoy anyway ahaha~

Kyuhyun, if he does say so himself, is an absolute slayer when it comes to Pokemon battles. He knows how difficult it can be to defeat opponents and yet, he manages to completely destroy them every time. Well, not destroy, per se, but at least he wins all his battles. He's going to join the grand festivals and he is going to win so hard. He's going to win the Ribbon Cup and he is going to be a top coordinator. There's no doubt about it.

He's not lucky - he knows the tricks of the trade and he doesn't consider luck to be of any real value. He's worked hard and he knows that he's a star.

What he doesn't expect is being admired, being looked up to. He kind of wants to be worshipped but he always envisioned the masses looking up at him with stars in their eyes, not this boy standing in front of him holding a really dumb looking Squirtle.

"This is Seabubble, my Squirtle," the boy says, "and I'm Mi! I really admire you - your Marowak is so cool! He did great out there! You must take really good care of him! What's his name?"

Kyuhyun's flustered. This boy is taller than him, which is probably a first, but he's super pretty and has the glossiest hair Kyuhyun's ever seen besides Hestia, his Ninetails.

"Uh, his name's Hades," Kyuhyun says, and the boy grins.

"Wow, so cool," he says. "You're an amazing trainer. Do you do anything special while raising your Pokemon? Your Rhydon was incredible too, I've never seen one before!"

"Yeah, I caught him when he was just a Rhyhorn," Kyuhyun says, feeling a pang of pride for himself and his Pokemon. He has done a really good job.

But that's kind of not important because the boy is smiling at him so brilliantly, it's really something else. He likes that a whole lot. There are stars in this boy's eyes, and that's all that counts.

"Wow," Mi says again. "That's incredible. I love Seabubble so much but I can't wait until he evolves into a Wartortle. Wouldn't he be cool as a Blastoise?" He's giddy, looking at his Squirtle cutely. The Squirtle coos. He's clearly young, but the boy is probably older than Kyuhyun himself. It's weird, being admired by someone older than you.

"He'd be cool, yeah. I battled my Pokemon against a Wartortle once," Kyuhyun says loftily, and Mi looks up with interest.

"Ooh, I bet you won, right?" he asks, and Kyuhyun nods, because of course he won.

"Well," Mi says, suddenly bashful, "do you think you could give me a few pointers? I want Seabubble to be the best Squirtle out there. Maybe...maybe I could hang out with you?"

Kyuhyun's heart jumps. What? No. Kyuhyun works alone. He works alone, for God's sakes. He doesn't need a rookie trainer bursting in and ruining all his glory.

"I work alone," he blurts out before his thought process can even wrap up nicely. Mi looks confused.

"Oh, uh, okay," he says. "Well, I's hoping we meet again sometime!" his face brightens somehow, even though Kyuhyun just outright rejected him. "Great battle today, Kyuhyun. See you around, okay?" He hugs his Squirtle tight as he does an about face and walks away, leaving Kyuhyun to wonder why he just shut out the only person who talked to him kindly in about a year.


A year later, Mi sees Kyuhyun again, at a Pokemon clinic. His Rhydon is standing next to him, slightly taller than Kyuhyun himself and probably three times as wide. The Pokemon is huge and hulking compared to its trainer and Mi is amazed at how powerful he looks.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand, looks less powerful. He has dark circles beneath his eyes and a pallor that Mi doesn't remember seeing before. Nurse Joy seems to be giving him some news that doesn't look good.

Mi isn't scared of Kyuhyun anymore. He's still awestruck, yes, because Kyuhyun won Hoenn's Grand Festival a few months ago and that's been Mi's goal ever since he started training. But Mi knows how to carry himself now, how to be someone that can be there for others.

He walks up to the trainer he'd been so interested in before and he smiles softly. "Hi, long time no see," he says. Kyuhyun turns to him and his eyes go wide.

"It's you," he says, looking Mi up and down. "Where's your Squirtle?"

"He's here," Mi reaches over his shoulder to pat his backpack, where Seabubble is currently snoozing away in his Pokeball after a difficult battle. "I have a Vulpix now too," Mi says proudly. "Her name is Karen."

"Oh," Kyuhyun nods. "Sorry, I'm not, today."

"Bad day?" Mi asks.

"Yeah, Hades fainted, remember, he's my Marowak, and yeah, he's not doing so well, unfortunately."

"Oh, God," Mi says. "I'm sorry."

"No worries," Nurse Joy smiles at them, coming up to the counter, "he will be fine! Kyuhyun takes very good care of his Pokemon, you know."

"I know," Mi smiles. "Well, tell Hades I said get well soon!" He turns to leave, but Kyuhyun catches his shoulder.

"I made a mistake," Kyuhyun admits. "I should have let you come with me. You were present, if that makes sense. And nobody had ever like...actually acknowledged me as a person before. I was just a star trainer, that's all. Not a person."

Mi looks at him. Is this really happening?

"And...I mean, I don't know if you are still up for it, but it would be great to have some sort of companion..."

"Sure!" Mi cries right away. He's lonely too, for God's sakes. He loves Seabubble and Karen but it's really nice to have other humans around. "Sure. That sounds great," he smiles.

"Great," Kyuhyun smiles, and Mi is kind of super excited about this. They're going to make a great team.

Anti-Alpha for anita_dee
Chanyeol/Kai; PG; Wolf!AU; 1405 words
It's short but sweet? Yeah. Smooches.

There's something about being an alpha that Jongin doesn't like. He's never felt the alpha feel, doesn't care for the groveling he receives from the others. It's not like him to be someone to look up to, but when everyone found out he was an alpha, suddenly he was the top of the food chain. He knows that's just how it works, but Jongin doesn't like it.

He's preferred sitting with the older omegas, just sitting quietly and reading a book or drawing a picture. He likes that soft, serene life. He doesn't want to go hunting with the big boys (wherever they may be) he doesn't want to forcibly claim an omega as his own. All he really wants to do is dance. But alphas don't do that.

"You'll feel like an alpha someday," Kyungsoo, one of the pack's betas, says. "There'll be that omega's scent that suddenly lights you up, and you'll feel like an alpha."

"I don't think so," Jongin shrugs, but how should he know? How should Kyungsoo know? Jongin is the only alpha in the pack. Nobody really knows what alphas are like, least of all Jongin.

He gets nagged by the other betas in the pack, and Sehun, the one remaining pup, reminds him that he needs to do alpha stuff.

"Shut up, you little brat," he says. "Don't tell me what to do."

"I'm going to tell Junmyeon that you're sneaking out to dance class again," Sehun threatens, and Jongin growls. Fear blooms in Sehun's eyes and that scares Jongin a little, because this is bizarrely alpha of him. He finds it a bit frightening.

But it is nice that his growl easily seal's the pup's lips.


Jongin takes dance classes at the local university. He used to be enrolled, but when puberty hit, the hormones were too much and he couldn't be in class anymore. So instead, he decided just to go and take dance classes only. It was hard, not seeing his friends anymore and not attending classes he was passionate about, but then again, it's hard being a werewolf in a sea full of tantalizing humans.

His dance class, though, is full of enough sweat and focus that he doesn't really need to worry about the humans being too tempting. He can just dance, let all the stress melt away from him, and he doesn't have to worry about anything after that. It's nice. He loves dancing.

"Jongin!" cries his friend Taemin as he walks in the door. "Dude, I'm glad you could come. Escaped your grandma again?" he asks, and Jongin laughs. Junmyeon, as far as anyone in the class knows, is Jongin's 'grandma' who would rather have him stay home to help her knit doilies than have Jongin go to dance class. It's a lame excuse but everyone eats it up anyway. He's glad for that.

"Yep," he says proudly. He's about to tell Taemin a ridiculous story about what Zitao did the night before when suddenly his nose is overwhelmed.

He nearly chokes, the scent enveloping his entire body, and he looks around with interest. A tall boy has just entered the room with a guitar case. "Oh my god," Jongin says, breathing heavily. The scent is incredible, but it's definitely not the scent of an omega.

He turns around and DAMN the guy is attractive. He's clearly gorgeous, and the fairy ears that could possibly be considered a flaw just serve to make him that much cuter. Jongin is in love with the scent and the picture. He needs to find out who this guy is.

And see, he would, if he was real alpha material. But he's not. He is too awkward, too unsure of himself to just march up and introduce himself. He's seen alphas actually march up and say "you're going to be my mate" and that's that. But Jongin...he can't do that. And that's not just because he feels too awkward about doing it in front of humans like Taemin.

But to his surprise, when he turns away from the boy in defeat, he feels a tap on his shoulder. "What, Tae-"

And the guy is there. "Hi," he says. "I'm Chanyeol." He has a few centimeters on Jongin and Jongin really likes that. He shouldn't. But he does.

"Hi, I'm Jongin," Jongin replies, and Chanyeol glances at him looking suspicious.

"You' of us, right?" he asks, and Jongin nods, lifting his upper lip to show the telltale sign of a werewolf - sharper canine teeth.

"Nice," Chanyeol grins. "Well, I'll have to talk to you after class. You guys are dancing to my composition today." He heads over to the wall and sets up, and Jongin can't stop watching him the entire time.


They kiss after class. Jongin's not even sure how it happens - one minute, they're chatting about being wolves, the next minute they're eyeing each other, and then moments after that they're wrapped up in each other's arms, kissing the breath out of the other. It's insane and hot and amazing and Jongin's wondering if this is what it means to be an alpha.

"God, I've been waiting for someone like you," Chanyeol breathes heavily, and Jongin just kisses him fiercely. This is so fucking awesome and Jongin loves how it feels.

"Me too," Jongin says. "I didn't think being an alpha would mean getting to do this."

Chanyeol pulls back, looking at Jongin incredulously. "You're an alpha?" he asks. "Seriously? What pack are you from?"

"Just east of the woods," Jongin says. "Why?"

"I mean...I'm an alpha," Chanyeol coughs. "My pack is west of the university."

"Neighboring packs," Jongin says slowly, knowing that this is not going to make Junmyeon happy. Neighboring packs compete for everything: territory, food, resources, even breeding grounds. And it's going to be even worse because Chanyeol and Jongin are both alphas.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this," Jongin mutters, looking down at his feet. "It's fun. You're hot. I want to do this. But we probably just shouldn't."

Chanyeol pouts. "Why? We're alphas. We can tell our packs what to do. You don't smell like an alpha, Jongin, but you could. You can step up. You can make them accept you because if you can't clearly see that we're meant to be together, then you probably don't even deserve to be an alpha at all. But I think the fact that we're fated is pretty crystal."

Jongin ponders Chanyeol's words for a moment. "You're right..." he says, because Chanyeol is right. Jongin's the alpha. Junmyeon can't tell him what to do. He can't. They can join packs, they can share resources and food and territory and best of all they can share each other. Jongin likes that idea a lot. "You're completely right." He looks up at Chanyeol. "You're awesome."

"I know," Chanyeol grins. "I know."


When they get back to the pack, the betas are growling, hiding the omegas and Sehun behind them. "Jongin, what do you think you're doing?" Kyungsoo snarls, but Jongin just barks at him.

"I'm the alpha. He's going to be my mate."

"You can't mate with an alpha," Junmyeon starts to say, but Jongin interrupts him.

"Yes I can, and I'm going to. We're joining our packs. Anyone who disagrees with me can try their hands at being rogue."

But to his surprise, the betas back down. Chanyeol bows deeply at all of them, smiling sympathetically.

"I know this comes as a surprise, but I'd really like to mate with Jongin. And joining our packs could be advantageous to all of us. I promise my pack will do nothing to hurt yours if you promise the same. But it would be great if we could all get along."

"Please, everyone," Jongin softens. "I want this to happen. Our pack is struggling as it is. Wouldn't it be nice to get a little help now and then?"

"He's right, you know," Minseok pipes up, and the others look at him. "This could be great for our packs." He's the oldest of the betas and he's respected almost as much as an elder would be. And with mild hesitation, the other betas agree. Chanyeol pecks Jongin on the cheek.

"This is the beginning of something great. You're going to be a great alpha," he whispers, and Jongin smiles. He doesn't mind being an alpha, so much.

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pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi, rating: pg, fandom: super junior, !fic advent 2014, pairing: chanyeol/kai, genre: fluff, length: drabble, fandom: exo, genre: fantasy

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