The Other Side

Sep 24, 2013 17:17

Pairing: Baekhyun/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2,917
Warnings: girl!Baekhyun and girl!Suho. Unprotected sex.
Summary: PWP. Baekhyun has been waiting to have sex with Junmyeon for months. The day finally comes.
A/N: Please excuse any mistakes I am by no means an expert in this ok.

She hears the knock at her door and Baekhyun’s stomach swoops. She can’t believe this is actually happening. Kim Junmyeon is here, and not only that, she’s here to have sex with Baekhyun.

Baekhyun’s been imagining this day for weeks, ever since Junmyeon started to show that slight bit of interest in her. Baekhyun wonders if maybe Junmyeon was finally just worn down by the amount of attention Baekhyun gave her, but in any case, last time they talked, Junmyeon seemed truly interested in what they’re about to do.

Baekhyun opens the door of her apartment and bites her lip when she sees Junmyeon standing there. She’s wearing a dress - a cute dress. It dips down to show just enough cleavage, her breasts milky white and oh-so-soft looking. Baekhyun has groped Junmyeon a few times but it’s always been with a bra on. How she can’t wait to feel Junmyeon’s soft skin in her hands.

“Hi, Baek,” Junmyeon says. Her voice is quiet but she doesn’t sound shy. It reassures Baekhyun that this is actually what Junmyeon wants.

“Hi, Junmyeon,” Baekhyun grins, taking her friend’s hand. “Come in.” She leads Junmyeon into the apartment, and suddenly she feels self-conscious. Are they going to get at it right away? Or is she going to pretend that they’re not just here to fuck and have a nice conversation to try to get in the mood?

She sits Junmyeon down on the couch and smiles at her, but Junmyeon looks confused.

“Uh, Baek, I’d rather do it on the bed, if you don’t mind,” she says, and Baekhyun nearly laughs with relief. They’ll just get on with it. Junmyeon smiles too, and Baekhyun is completely reassured. She can’t wait to get her hands on Junmyeon.

“Okay, let’s go to my room, then,” Baekhyun says. She looks back at Junmyeon as they walk down the hallway. “Do you you think you’ll be able to get in the mood? With me?”

Junmyeon laughs quietly. “Baekhyun, to be honest...I’ve been wet for like half an hour just thinking about this. Getting in the mood is not an issue.” Baekhyun swallows. She can’t believe that this is actually going to happen.

They step into the bedroom and Baekhyun is absolutely smitten. “Can I kiss you?” she asks, knowing full well that Junmyeon has never kissed another girl before. She’s not expecting rejection, though, because if Junmyeon agreed to sex, a kiss isn’t too much to ask at all.

And rejection doesn’t come. “Of course,” Junmyeon says. Now Baekhyun can sense that she’s nervous, so she kisses her friend softly, slowly. Junmyeon’s lips are soft and they taste like mint. Her whole mouth tastes overwhelmingly like mint, in fact, and Baekhyun thinks that Junmyeon must have prepared a lot for this. Brushing her teeth, putting on chapstick. Baekhyun finds herself wondering if Junmyeon has waxed.

“Baek, are you distracted?” Junmyeon asks, pulling back from the kiss. Oh, her lips are red. So pretty, Baekhyun thinks.

“I’m just really fucking excited,” Baekhyun grins, taking Junmyeon’s face between her hands and kissing her friend again, deeper this time. How the fuck another person’s mouth can be so soft is beyond Baekhyun’s comprehension, but kissing Junmyeon is really something else. Her hair curls in between Baekhyun’s fingers as she slides her hand to the back of Junmyeon’s head. Baekhyun presses her tongue further into Junmyeon’s mouth, feeling the ache between her legs start to grow. She can’t wait to get her mouth on Junmyeon’s breasts.

“Hey, unzip me,” Junmyeon says when they break apart, and Baekhyun is giddy with excitement. She lets Junmyeon turn around, showing Baekhyun the long zipper that runs down the length of her spine. It’s like opening a birthday present. Baekhyun unzips the dress slowly, getting more and more excited with each inch because Junmyeon’s skin looks so fucking soft and her bra is made of cotton how cute is that and oh God she’s wearing briefs.

“Junmyeon, what the fuck is this underwear? You’re so unsexy,” Baekhyun teases. It’s a lie, of course, because Junmyeon is probably the sexiest person Baekhyun has ever met, just in that not-sexy way. Junmyeon is awkward and she dresses like she’s thirty-five, but she has that allure that Baekhyun is crazy about. She has perfect breasts and a small ass that’s somehow still round and perky and oh how Baekhyun wants to touch. Junmyeon hates her hair but Baekhyun loves how it cascades down her shoulders in waves. She has a cute face and an even more adorable personality. Baekhyun is so into her.

“I like this underwear,” Junmyeon protests, and Baekhyun just smiles as she lets Junmyeon’s dress drop to the ground. Wow she loves how Junmyeon carries just a little fat on her hips, just enough to make her soft to the touch. Baekhyun’s never been soft, and she’s fascinated by Junmyeon’s body.

“You’re really pretty,” Baekhyun says, stepping back to admire her friend’s body.

“Stop,” Junmyeon says, flustered. “You’re so embarrassing.”

“I know,” Baekhyun laughs, climbing out of her own shorts and tank top. She, on the other hand, is wearing a bright pink lace g-string and a matching lace bandeau bra. She feels sexy in underwear like that, and she loves how Junmyeon obviously feels sexy in what she’s wearing too. Junmyeon sits down on the bed, her legs firmly pressed together. She has great thighs, milky white like the rest of her skin.

“So, how…” Junmyeon stutters. Her anxiety is very apparent now.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes! Fuck yes,” Junmyeon breathes. “I want this a lot. But I’m just a little nervous. I’ve never had sex at all, much less with another girl.”

“Well, that’s the thing, I know how I like to be touched, so I’ll be more gentle than a guy. I promise it’ll be good,” Baekhyun says soothingly, sitting down next to Junmyeon and stroking her thigh.

“I know,” Junmyeon smiles, and fuck, Baekhyun has to kiss that smile. She does, letting Junmyeon fall back onto the bed. God, Baekhyun’s so fucking lucky. To have this girl here on her bed is so amazing and exciting for Baekhyun.

Junmyeon’s perfect breasts rise and fall quickly, her bra still covering them. She looks up at Baekhyun expectantly.

“Wow,” Baekhyun breathes, straddling Junmyeon. She reaches behind Junmyeon and unclasps her bra. Junmyeon cooperates, letting Baekhyun rid her of her bra. Baekhyun feels like crying because this is so perfect. Junmyeon’s nipples are a soft pink, her breasts the perfect size. She can’t help herself; she grabs Junmyeon’s chest. “Oh my God, I knew it. They fit perfectly in my hands,” Baekhyun cries. Junmyeon chuckles.

“I’m glad you like them,” she says as Baekhyun squeezes softly.

“Yeah,” Baekhyun grins. She kneads Junmyeon’s breasts and flicks her friend’s nipples with her thumbs. Junmyeon tenses a little, and Baekhyun likes that reaction a whole lot. “Hey, can I -”

“If you think it’ll make me feel good, you can do whatever you want,” Junmyeon smiles. “Also if it makes you feel good, go ahead. I’m open.”

So Baekhyun dives in, wrapping her lips around Junmyeon’s breast, still squeezing the other. She licks her friend’s nipple roughly, kissing and sucking and relishing in just how soft and yielding Junmyeon’s breasts are.

“Baek,” Junmyeon squeaks, “I’m aching.” Baekhyun lifts off of Junmyeon’s breasts and looks down, where Junmyeon is rubbing her legs together, searching in vain for some sort of friction. Baekhyun doesn’t miss the wet spot on Junmyeon’s light blue panties. Baekhyun smiles, ignoring Junmyeon for the time being and focusing her attention on Junmyeon’s other breast. Junmyeon whines in pleasure or in frustration, but Baekhyun wants to take her time. She’s been waiting months for this moment. Junmyeon tries to reach a hand down to touch herself, but Baekhyun grabs her friend’s wrists and pulls them up above her head, sucking a kiss mark right underneath Junmyeon’s right nipple.

“I love your boobs,” Baekhyun says around Junmyeon’s nipple. “God, I could do this all day.”

“Please don’t take all day,” Junmyeon giggles, and Baekhyun has to laugh too. She cups Junmyeon’s breasts in her hands once again, squeezing gently and rolling Junmyeon’s nipples until they’re hard and raised. Junmyeon looks absolutely beautiful.

Baekhyun moves down her friend’s body, taking a look at the wet spot she’d ignored earlier.

“You really are wet, huh?” Baekhyun asks. “Can I touch?”

“Yes,” Junmyeon nods with anticipation. Baekhyun puts a hand between Junmyeon’s legs, and Junmyeon willingly spreads herself for Baekhyun. “Just - I need...I need something.” She looks up at Baekhyun with a questioning look, as if she’s not sure what she needs but she knows Baekhyun can give it to her.

Baekhyun grins, scratching her nails up Junmyeon’s clothed pussy ever so slightly. She feels Junmyeon’s muscles tense as she continues to scratch, but Junmyeon doesn’t make a sound. And Junmyeon has such a pretty voice.

“You can make noise, you know. If it feels good I want you to let me know. Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” Junmyeon whines, “yes, it feels good. Just - more, please. More.” Junmyeon cants her hips up to try to give Baekhyun better access, but Baekhyun just presses her hand flat against Junmyeon’s pussy. It’s practically radiating heat, and Junmyeon’s juices are already leaking out, wetting her underwear more than it already is.

Baekhyun folds her hand into a fist, pressing the knuckle of her middle finger against Junmyeon’s clit. Junmyeon lets out a shaky breath. She tries to wiggle her hips, to get Baekhyun to stimulate her, but Baekhyun just smirks and kneads her knuckles up her friend’s pussy.

“Baekhyun,” Junmyeon whines as if she’s not sure what to say. She starts to breathe more heavily, a flush appearing on her face. When the red tint starts to spread to her neck and her chest, Baekhyun decides it’s time to taste.

Before Junmyeon can even understand what Baekhyun’s doing, Baekhyun leans down and presses her lips into Junmyeon’s soiled panties. Junmyeon tastes almost comically bad, but Baekhyun loves it so much.

“Baekhyun!” Junmyeon cries, trying to sit up, which just lets her legs fall open more. Baekhyun sucks against Junmyeon’s clit, and Junmyeon falls back onto the bed. She licks up Junmyeon’s pussy, kissing and sucking until Junmyeon is biting her lip.

And then Baekhyun lets up, moving back up to Junmyeon’s beautiful breasts.

“Baekhyun, come on, I ache, please, just -” but Baekhyun ignores her, laving her tongue over Junmyeon’s erect nipples. Junmyeon lets out a little whine - almost imperceptible - and Baekhyun wants to hear more. She runs her tongue in circles, rubbing her free hand against Junmyeon’s clit. “Oh God,” Junmyeon breathes, her breaths heavier than ever.

“Junmyeon, I haven’t even taken off your panties yet, and you’re already like this?” Baekhyun teases, moving up to kiss her friend.

“It feels so good,” Junmyeon sighs into Baekhyun’s mouth, still panting as they kiss.

Baekhyun decides Junmyeon has had enough teasing and she finally moves down the bed to rid Junmyeon of her panties.

“You waxed!” Baekhyun cries as she reveals Junmyeon’s perfectly smooth pussy. Her folds are bright red and Baekhyun can feel the heat Junmyeon’s emitting.

“I didn’t know if you wanted me to, but I thought it would be better,” Junmyeon whispers. Baekhyun loves it. She finds it unbearably cute how thoroughly Junmyeon prepared for this. It makes it believable that she was looking forward to it.

“It’s great,” Baekhyun assures her, wasting no time in getting a taste of Junmyeon’s bare wetness. She flicks her tongue across Junmyeon’s clit, alternating with kisses and kittenish licks. Junmyeon opens her legs wider.

“More, more, more,” she pants. Baekhyun reaches up to squeeze Junmyeon’s breast in a reassurance as she inserts one finger into Junmyeon. “Oh, oh!” Junmyeon cries out in surprise, but she’s slick and sensitive, which Baekhyun loves. She pumps the finger slowly, still sucking on her friend’s clit. “Baekhyun,” she whines. “More.”

Baekhyun presses in a second finger, starting to increase the pace of her pumping as she kisses and licks Junmyeon’s clit. Junmyeon is panting heavily now, every few breaths adorned with the beginnings of a moan. Baekhyun’s feeling the tenderness between her own legs too, but she wants to focus on Junmyeon for the time being. Her sucking gets more petulant, more insistent until Junmyeon starts to twitch, trying not to buck up her hips. Baekhyun shakes her fingers around inside her friend, stroking her insides as she rubs her tongue faster and faster against Junmyeon’s clit.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Junmyeon pants a mantra until she tenses, her body squeezing Baekhyun’s fingers. “Oh, God.” Baekhyun licks gently through the aftershocks, pulling her fingers out. She pulls away from Junmyeon, whose pussy is red and pulsing, her juices dripping out. Baekhyun teasingly presses her thumb against Junmyeon’s clit, and Junmyeon whines, closing her legs. “It’s so sensitive now,” she complains, but Baekhyun grins and falls in next to Junmyeon, kissing her.

“What’d you think? Wasn’t it great?” Baekhyun asks, and Junmyeon nods with a shy smile.

“Can I...can I help you out?” Junmyeon asks as they both sit up, facing each other, and Baekhyun nods.

“I’m on the brink already,” she admits, ridding herself of her panties and pushing her bra up to bunch underneath her armpits. “It shouldn’t take long to get me off.” Junmyeon smiles and brings her head tentatively to Baekhyun’s nipple. Baekhyun has small breasts - they’re almost non-existent - but Baekhyun maintains that she is more sensitive in her breasts for that reason.

And when Junmyeon licks Baekhyun’s nipple, Baekhyun remembers why she believes herself to be so sensitive. It feels like all the nerves in her body are igniting with every flick of Junmyeon’s tongue.

She can’t help herself; she grabs Junmyeon’s hand and uses it to rub her clit. She’s not gentle with herself, and Junmyeon looks more surprised than anything.

“God, Junmyeon, rub harder, oh my God,” she moans, letting her hands drop as Junmyeon rubs insistently, back and forth and oh God she starts rubbing in circle motions. “Faster faster faster,” she commands as she feels the heat start to spread, the electrical sensations building until she crashes, letting herself fall and kiss Junmyeon hard.

When they break apart, Junmyeon yawns, and Baekhyun laughs. “Sleepy?” she asks her friend, and Junmyeon nods.

“I liked it though. A lot. Can we do this again in the morning?” Junmyeon asks, and Baekhyun doesn’t think she could have recieved a more perfect request.

“Of course,” she says with a grin, and Junmyeon grins back. She knows exactly how she’s going to wake her sleeping beauty.

Until then, she’s contented to use Junmyeon’s perfect breasts as a pillow, and they both drift off to sleep feeling sated and happy.

+ this is mostly daryl's fault but also everyone on tlist seems to be writing girls!au
+ someday i will get to writing september gift fics oh god
+ come say hi on twitter or tumblr or

series: girls!au, genre: smut, fandom: exo, pairing: baekhyun/suho, rating: nc17, length: oneshot

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