I Threw a Love Affair (And Nobody Came)

Jul 24, 2013 00:34

Pairing: D.O./Sehun (side Chanyeol/Kai)
Rating: R for language, PG for otherwise
Words: 3,424
Warnings: Excessive cursing, writing how Exie thinks, and gross real life references.
Summary: Sehun is overly committed and Kyungsoo is committment-phobic. Part of the Beauty and the Geek AU.

“Where were you last night? Sleep with that Chinese guy?” Sehun asks, throwing a stray sock at Jongin. “How was he?”

“Shit,” Jongin replies, but he looks inexplicably happy. He goes to the sink in their room and starts brushing his teeth.

“Wow, dental hygiene in the morning?” Sehun asks. “That’s a first. What, did he have bad breath? Or was it his dick that tasted bad?” Jongin looks over with a toothpaste-filled smile, and it kind of scares Sehun that Jongin isn’t reacting badly.

“I met a different guy last night, actually,” he says, taking the toothbrush out of his mouth. “Turns out I slept with this new guy before. I think I like him.”

Sehun claps unenthusiastically. “Wow, thinking about commitment. I’m so impressed.” Jongin holds up his middle finger as he rinses his mouth.

“Anyway, I thought you might be interested to know that the guy I met last night is roommates with your twink.”

Sehun throws another sock at Jongin. Really, he’s the worst roommate and an even worse best friend. “Don’t call him that!” he scolds. “He’s not a twink.”

“Whatever,” Jongin scoffs, throwing the sock back and plopping down on his bed. “He knows who you are, anyway.”

Now, Sehun’s never been one to brag (“That’s a complete lie,” Jongin would say. “You love to brag.”) but he’s not surprised that Do Kyungsoo knows him. Everyone on campus knows Oh Sehun. Just like everyone knows Kim Jongin and soon enough everyone will know Huang Zitao. All three of them are handsome, tall, and charming. They are the life of every party-and they are invited to every party. Everyone wants to be them, and everyone knows them. Including Do Kyungsoo.

“How the fuck did I come up in conversation?” Sehun demands instead, frowning at his roommate.

“It wasn’t really a conversation,” Jongin shrugs, flopping over on his bed and pulling out his phone. “It was more like me coming out of Chanyeol’s bedroom and seeing his roommate. And then I told him that you have your eye on him. He seemed shocked.”

“What,” Sehun said tersely. “He didn’t say anything? He didn’t seem flattered?”

“I don’t know, I was mostly talking to Chanyeol the whole morning. Your twink makes good pancakes though.”

“Jongin, seriously, shut the fuck up. He’s not a twink. His name is Do Kyungsoo,” Sehun snaps, standing up impatiently. “I swear to God-”

“Sehun, maybe he’s not gay,” Jongin says.

“Then why have you been calling him a twink?” Sehun demands. Jongin opens his mouth to retort but Sehun doesn’t let him. “Anyway, even if he’s not gay, that’s not a hard thing to fix.”

Jongin sighs loudly, turning back to his phone. “Yes, we know. Oh Sehun, seducer of straight men since 1994. If you want him so bad, why don’t you just go after him then? If you’re so confident.”

“I will,” Sehun says, challenge in his voice. “I’ll do it.”

“Okay, good. Oh, and I got a Korean tutor for Zitao,” Jongin says. “Chanyeol’s other roommate. They’re all nerdy but I swear to God Chanyeol is fantastic in bed for a geek.”

“Spare me,” Sehun says melodramatically, throwing a final sock at Jongin. “I’m going downstairs.” Jongin doesn’t respond and Sehun catches the name “Chanyeol” at the top of Jongin’s screen. Gross.

Sehun met Do Kyungsoo in geology lab-although to say that they actually met is an overstatement. Kyungsoo sat at the second table from the front, fourth seat from the windows. Sehun sat at the third table from the front, ninth seat from the windows. He hadn’t even noticed Kyungsoo at first, until he looked out the window on a particularly boring day. There was a head blocking his way, and Sehun was almost annoyed until he realized just how perfect that head was. Kyungsoo had plump pink lips and soft pale skin and jet black hair and eyebrows. He was perfect.

But of course, Sehun’s definition of perfect has always been solely based on looks. Which is why it confused him to no end when he found himself wanting to know more about Kyungsoo than just how he looks.

The semester ended and Kyungsoo had disappeared from Sehun’s sights until one day when Sehun decided to chance a visit to the library.

And there was Kyungsoo, sitting at a table, helping another student with calculus or some sort of math Sehun didn’t understand. It was unlike Sehun to do this, but he sat at a table a few seats away and just watched Kyungsoo. His smile was heart-shaped, his laugh was melodic, and everything about him seemed gentle. Sehun wanted him.

Chanyeol goes to parties. Even Jongdae does, sometimes. Kyungsoo absolutely does not. Frat parties are everything Kyungsoo hates stuffed into one tiny building. He hates sweaty drunk people he doesn’t know, he hates dancing, and he hates the smell of alcohol. There is literally nothing he likes about frat parties.

“Come on, Soo,” Chanyeol pleads. “Oh Sehun’s going to be there.” He’s even started dressing like Jongin. Kyungsoo frowns.

“I don’t care about Oh Sehun,” he says. “Anyway, I have Double-Stuff Oreos that need to be eaten.” Chanyeol looks at Kyungsoo like he’s absolutely insane.

“You’re saying you’re going to sit here by yourself eating Double-Stuff Oreos instead of going to a party?” Chanyeol asks, and Jongdae enters the room wearing a blue button up shirt. “Jongdae’s coming with me, you know. He’s going to meet Huang Zitao.” And indeed, Jongdae looks quite giddy with excitement.

Kyungsoo laughs. “No, seriously. I hate frat parties.”

“You’ve never been to one,” Jongdae points out, adjusting his collar.

“I know what they’re like and they’re basically the epitome of everything I hate,” Kyungsoo reminds them. “You guys have fun.”

Chanyeol and Jongdae ask Kyungsoo a few more times if he’s absolutely sure he doesn’t want to come, and then after several unsuccessful attempts to get him to tag along, they leave without him. Kyungsoo flips open his laptop to read some manga and pulls out his package of Double-Stuff Oreos. He’ll eat one row. That’s all.

Oh Sehun is not Kyungsoo’s type at all. Yes, he’s good looking, but Kyungsoo prefers guys who are not skinny as a stick. And Sehun is far too pretty. Kyungsoo likes masculinity above all.

And anyway, relationships are not something that Kyungsoo does. He likes guys until they start to like him. Fear of commitment, his friends call it. That’s probably not it. He has no trouble getting close to people and staying close to people. It’s romance he can’t do. He wants it, he just can’t do it.

Four boyfriends down and Kyungsoo has never been in love. He’s never even been kissed. He’s already twenty and he feels almost as if he’s getting old.

Maybe he’ll give Oh Sehun a try after all, if only for a while. Maybe he can at least get a first kiss out of this.

They meet when Jongin invites them to the frat house. The three Epsilon Chi Omicron boys and the three dorks from the apartment complex south of campus sit in the frat’s chapter room, and only Jongin and Chanyeol are talking. Zitao is determinedly looking at his phone while Jongdae sighs wistfully. Sehun is trying to talk to Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo doesn’t like it.

He’s in it for the first kiss, that’s all. Yeah. It doesn’t matter, it’s just a kiss. Doesn’t matter who it’s with as long as it happens soon. Maybe he’ll love Sehun one day, but right now…

Yeah, right now, he hates Oh Sehun. He turns to him and he knows he’s being manipulative, but he gives him a sweet smile anyway.

“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers?” Sehun suggests. Kyungsoo gives him his. “Text me,” Sehun winks.

“I will,” Kyungsoo promises.

Sehun bolts up in bed. “Jongin! Jongin, he texted me. He texted me!”

Jongin groans, looking across the room at Sehun. Chanyeol’s in Jongin’s bed too, on the wall side, still sleeping soundly. “What did he say?” Jongin asks, humoring his roommate for the time being.

“He said good morning!”

“Wow, a morning text already?” Jongin asks.

“Well, yeah. I sent him four already this morning, but yeah.” Jongin laughs at Sehun.

“Good luck, man,” he says, and disappears under the covers, presumably to wake up Chanyeol with a blowjob. Sehun gets the fuck out of there.

He’s wandering around the kitchen, having already sent Kyungsoo another text, when Kyungsoo replies.

"I’m fine."

Sehun’s over the moon. He is so fucking in love with Do Kyungsoo. When they get together, Kyungsoo will be treated like a king-no, like an emperor. He’ll never want for anything at all. Sehun will give him everything and he’ll be so happy and they’ll probably get married, even, because who the fuck wouldn’t marry Oh Sehun?

Yes, they’ll be as happy as a clam. Or something. Happy as a lark. Just really extremely incredibly fucking happy together.

“He won’t fucking leave me alone,” Kyungsoo complains to Jongdae, who’s sitting with his chin on the kitchen table, staring at a Korean textbook. “He texted me four times before I even woke up. Do you know how messed up that is?”

Jongdae shrugs. “You were the one who gave him your number.”

“Yeah I didn’t think he’d be a stupid fuck about texting constantly. You know I do things on my own schedule. I hate phones.”

“And you hate clingy boys,” Jongdae adds. “I don’t see why you’re sticking with him.”

“My first kiss, Jongdae,” Kyungsoo replies loftily. “I need to get my first kiss. Chanyeol’s already way ahead of us. I need to beat you, at least.” Jongdae sighs dramatically.

“Yeah well at this rate I’ll be a lip-virgin for the rest of my life, so I wouldn’t worry too much,” he says. “Anyway, if you’re going to stick with him, shouldn’t you stop complaining?”

Kyungsoo plops down in the seat next to Jongdae. “I’m only complaining because I’m wondering if maybe I’m the problem. I’ve never been in love. All the guys I’ve dated have been perfectly nice. I just-I just didn’t like them. Or maybe I got too lazy. I don’t even know, Jongdae. I can’t tell if I just don’t like Sehun or if I’m actually too lazy to put in the work to get myself to like him properly.”

Jongdae shrugs again, getting up and stretching. “Kyungsoo, if you really liked him, you’d want to put in the work.”

He leaves the room, and Kyungsoo turns those words over in his mind for far longer than he should.

Oh Sehun is so much better in person, Kyungsoo decides. He’s so much better in person. He’s not clingy and obsessive and they can actually talk about things that aren’t the weather or how school was that day.

Those topics do come up, but…there are other topics too. Kyungsoo tells himself he’s falling in love.

Sehun holds his hand, and they’re walking through the park. It’s nice, to hold someone’s hand. Kyungsoo has always liked hand holding, once they got past the awkward stage of where do people’s hands go what is happening. He tells himself he’s opening up.

“Yeah, so I was listening to this Maroon 5 song and-”

“Oh, I like Maroon 5!” Kyungsoo said. Yes, he’s getting to know Sehun. They have things in common.

“Haha, we’re perfect together,” Sehun jokes, but inside, Kyungsoo cringes. That’s gross. That’s disgusting, actually. Kyungsoo is not perfect. Sehun is definitely not perfect. And they’re definitely not perfect together, either. It’s gross and horrible and Kyungsoo is not falling in love and he’s not opening up and he doesn’t want to get to know Sehun.

And then Sehun asks if he can kiss Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo laughs, looking up at Sehun, but he looks perfectly serious. Fuck no. Fuck. No. Kyungsoo is not ready for this. He wanted it, sure, but this is-this is really fucking soon. Kyungsoo doesn’t put out on the first date. No no no.

“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Kyungsoo laughs with a sugary sweet tone in his voice. “Let’s see where we go with this.” Sehun grins, squeezing Kyungsoo’s hand.

“Okay,” he replies.

Sehun is smug. He should feel smug, because he’s a motherfucking relationship genius. He swaggers into the frat house, grinning widely. Even seeing Chanyeol and Kai making out on the living room floor can’t deter him from reveling in the fact that he’s basically a god.

“Why do you look so fucking cocky right now?” Baekhyun demands when Sehun saunters into the kitchen, pulling an apple out of the crisper and eating it smartly.

“Dude, he’s totally into me,” Sehun grins. “I asked to kiss him and he said maybe later. That means there’s going to be a later. He wants this to last and he wants to take his time.” Baekhyun raises his eyebrows, obviously impressed. He should be so fucking impressed. He high fives Sehun and Sehun does a little victory dance in the middle of the kitchen before pulling out his phone and texting Kyungsoo excitedly.

They’re so getting married.

“I hate him. I can’t fucking stand him,” Kyungsoo growls, shutting off his phone and throwing it onto the old couch in the living room. Sehun texted him seventeen times that day. Seventeen fucking times. Kyungsoo doesn’t even text Jongdae that much and they’re best friends. “It’s as if he doesn’t understand anything but his own weird obsession with me. We barely know each other!” He curls up into a ball and turns on the TV. A house decorating show is on. Good.

“Soo, maybe you should just not with him,” Chanyeol suggests from the kitchen, where he’s attempting to cook an omelet. Kyungsoo knows that’s not going to turn out well.

“I can’t do that,” Kyungsoo whines. “I promised him I’d go on a second date.”

“Why?” Chanyeol wonders. “If you hate him so much, why force yourself?”

“The kiss,” Kyungsoo reminds him, and Chanyeol visibly rolls his eyes. He gives up on his omelet, making it into a messy looking scramble instead, and brings the pot over to Kyungsoo. They sit next to each other, picking out pieces of overcooked egg for a few moments.

“You know,” Chanyeol begins, “why waste a first kiss on a guy you don’t even like? Do you really want to tell people the story of ‘oh yeah I kissed a guy who I was mostly just iffy about?’ or do you want to be able to say ‘yeah I was twenty-five but it was the most romantic first kiss you’ve ever heard of?’”

Kyungsoo sighs, pulling his knees up to his chest again. “You’re right. That would make a shitty first kiss story.”

“Right. Don’t waste your time and effort on a guy who you don’t even like. It’s obviously just stressing you out. Just tell him you think you’re moving too fast and you’d be better off as friends. It’s easy.”

But no, it isn’t going to be easy. It isn’t going to be easy at all because Oh Sehun never knows when to let go, when to step back, when to give up. Kyungsoo doesn’t like him and doesn’t want him and that’s for certain. Sure, maybe they can be friends. But Kyungsoo does not want to date Oh Sehun now, and he does not want to date Oh Sehun ever. Period.

Sehun can’t move. He can’t fucking move. He can only stare at his phone in horror.

No, no, his eyes are probably working wrong. That doesn’t say “cancel,” that says…it says “dance!” Yeah. “Let’s dance our date,” it says. That makes sense, right? Dancing is a thing that happens on dates. Sometimes.

But fuck, who is Sehun kidding. He’s just been dumped. Over text message. By a nerd. It’s undoubtedly the lowest point in his life.

“I feel like we’re moving too fast and it would be great if we could start out as friends,” says the next message. Friends. Friends.

“Fuck!” Sehun screams. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck!” Jongin and Zitao come running into the room, and Zitao looks terrified, practically hiding behind Jongin.

“What’s the matter?” Jongin asks. “Did you hurt yourself or something?”

“Only my heart,” Sehun sighs melodramatically, flopping over onto the bed. “I got dumped.”

“You had a boyfriend?” Zitao asks, and Sehun glares at him.

“Do Kyungsoo! He just friendzoned me!” Sehun cries angrily. “What the fuck did I do wrong?”

“Jongdae told me a lot about Kyungsoo,” says Zitao, and Jongin and Sehun both look over to him. Zitao nods enthusiastically, continuing. “He’s called a…lovebreaker. Heartcrusher?”

“Heartbreaker?” Jongin suggests, and Zitao nods.

“Yeah, heartbreaker. He is nice to people for a long while and then when they start to love him he does not love them. It happened to already four guys, Jongdae said to me.” Sehun perks up.

“So it’s a defense mechanism.” Zitao just looks confused, and Jongin starts to explain but Sehun just continues. “He doesn’t want to get hurt. He’s got a shell. Okay, I can deal with that. I’ll break through his shell.”

“Wow,” Jongin says, “that doesn’t sound creepy at all. Sehun, he obviously doesn’t want you to break through his shell. Don’t force things, man. Maybe play a little hard to get. You’re obviously too available and too obsessed with him. Can’t you understand that he could be a little uncomfortable?”

“How can anyone be uncomfortable with me?” Sehun demands.

“Well, you’re a little obsessive sometimes,” Zitao says, and Sehun stares.

Kyungsoo doesn’t contact Sehun for a month. Maybe more. Sehun doesn’t contact Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo likes it that way.

Or, he thinks he does. He can’t shake the feeling that he just gave up on a chance to finally have a real relationship. And then he tells himself that he didn’t like Sehun anyway. He didn’t, really, Sehun was never his type and they barely knew each other and it is probably a good thing that he didn’t get together with him.

Yeah but he really can’t shake that feeling. Sehun was nice, after all. Way nicer than he’d expected a frat boy to be. And though his texting habits were annoying, when they were together things were nice-fun, even. And how nice it felt to have his hand held by Sehun’s much bigger one.

No, no, he can’t think like this. It’s ridiculous. He barely knew Sehun.

Okay, he’ll send him a text. Just a hello.

He does.

Sehun doesn’t reply for four hours-a record.

“Hi,” says the message back. Kyungsoo finds himself smiling-smiling-at the message. He’s scaring himself. Maybe he’d liked Sehun a little more than he thought at first. But Sehun is kinda nice. He’s kinda good looking. And he likes Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is desirable. That’s a plus.


Jongin’s making out with Chanyeol in the doorway. Chanyeol looks like a huge idiot, too. He’s flushed red all the way to his large ears, hands awkwardly resting on Jongin’s ribcage. Sehun scowls and pushes past them, Chanyeol immediately stepping back to scratch at his neck.

“Chanyeol, stop doing that,” Jongin starts to scold his boyfriend, but Sehun doesn’t hand around to hear them. They’re fucking dumbasses and Sehun would never have pegged Jongin as the type to be in a steady relationship with a geek, yet here he is.

He walks a block down the street to the Beta Alpha Rho house, where the party has already started.

The first person he sees when he walks in-yes, the first fucking person he sees-is none other than Do Kyungsoo.

Sehun’s got really shitty eyesight, obviously. There’s no way that’s Do Kyungsoo. Absolutely no fucking way.

Fuck, he’s wearing white skinny jeans.

No, no, Sehun has to ignore him.

Oh God, Kyungsoo is drinking beer. How can he handle beer? Does Kyungsoo drink? He’s drinking. He’s going to get drunk. He’ll probably pass out or throw up or-

Wait fuck he’s coming over.

“Sorry I was such a dick,” Kyungsoo says simply. Sehun blinks. He blinks a lot, actually, because what the fuck is Kyungsoo talking about?

“I was a dick,” Sehun says. “I didn’t give you your space.” Kyungsoo smiles and God fucking damn everything because he’s kind of irresistible.

“Hm,” Kyungsoo says, sitting down on the table next to the armchair Sehun’s sitting in.

“You wanna talk?” Sehun asks, his eyes pleading.

“Sure,” Kyungsoo replies. “I’d like that.”

+ whoa 2 fics in less than 24 hours dayum
+ sorry this is semi-autobiographical except i wouldn't get back together with the fucking kid hah
+ come let me annoy you on twitter or tumblr or you can annoy me on ask.fm

pairing: d.o./sehun, series: beauty and the geek, fandom: exo, rating: r, length: oneshot, genre: romance, genre: life

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