Come On Make Me Feel Alive: Virginia Beach, VA

Jun 13, 2013 23:38

By eexiee and adw1017 // NC-17 // Kris/Suho and other future pairings // cross-posted at AFF

In which Kris just got dumped, Lu Han wants to party his way across the country, Yixing needs to understand the world, and Tao thinks his friends are all crazy. Oh, and they go on a summer road trip in a brand new Porsche Cayenne.

Virginia Beach, VA
After a long day at the beach, Lu Han is sporting a lobster-red sunburn while Tao has only gotten tanner. The three of them walk along the boardwalk as the sun sets.

“Just imagine,” Yixing says dreamily, “when we’re in California, we’ll get to see the sunset over the water. Won’t that be beautiful?”

“Yeah,” Lu Han sighs, “although Kris is going to be mopey.” The three of them look back at Kris and Joonmyeon, who are walking together several yards away. Joonmyeon’s talking about something and Kris is looking at him as if he can’t believe how lucky he is to have found someone like Joonmyeon.

“Or not,” Yixing says, and Lu Han nods in agreement.

“He’s definitely in love though,” Lu Han says.

Tao scoffs, rolling his eyes dramatically. “How can he be?” he demands. “He met the guy two days ago.”

Yixing laughs and pats Tao’s shoulder. “There’s this thing called love at first sight,” Yixing explains. “And I think it happened to Kris.”

“But wait, Kris is straight, right?” Lu Han butts in, and Tao sighs as if Lu Han is the world’s biggest idiot.

“You were supposedly straight until junior year of high school, remember?” Yixing reminds Lu Han gently. “And then that guy confessed to you and you decided to go out with him just for kicks.”

“How did you remember that?” Tao demands. “You can’t even remember what you had for breakfast but you can remember Lu Han’s escapades from high school?”

“It wasn’t him that made me bi,” Lu Han shrugs, ignoring Tao. “I’d always liked guys in the back of my mind.” Lu Han looks back at Kris and Joonmyeon. “Joonmyeon would be my type if his hair was brown instead of that reddish shade. Small brunettes are -”

“We know,” Tao interrupts loudly, sounding annoyed that he’d been completely ignored. “You do realize that your ‘type’ includes Jessica from your anthropology class last semester, whom you hated. And that it also includes Chen, Xiumin and Yixing?” Lu Han nods.

“I know, it’s -” he begins, but Yixing elbows him hard. Lu Han and Tao look at him to see where his gaze is directed, and it appears that Joonmyeon and Kris have stopped walking, and have instead taken to looking at each other.

“Do you think...” Yixing starts.

“Yeah,” Lu Han grins. “Kris is so getting some tonight.”

“Gross,” Tao sneers. “That is not what Yixing meant.”

“Guys,” Yixing interrupts. “Look.” They all turn back to their other friend only to see him kissing Joonmyeon insistently. Joonmyeon’s hands are fisting Kris’ shirt and although he has stand up on his tiptoes to reach Kris’ lips, he seems just as interested as Kris does.

Tao turns away looking tired. “Okay, I guess maybe Kris is getting some tonight.”


That night, Kris takes a sip of wine and looks up at Joonmyeon. The dim lighting in the restaurant does nothing but accentuate Joonmyeon’s perfect face. I can do this, he thinks. How hard can having sex with a guy be? It’s basically the same as with a girl, just...not.

“Kris, you realize that’s your second glass of wine, right?” Joonmyeon asks, looking amused.

“I hold my alcohol well,” Kris remarks, thinking back to several days before when he’d gotten extremely drunk and woken up in Sehun’s apartment. “Kind of.”

Joonmyeon laughs and takes a sip from his own glass. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were nervous about something.”

Kris coughs. “No,” he says quickly, “I’m not.” Joonmyeon laughs again, and Kris really really loves his laugh. Kris smiles at him. Joonmyeon leans over the table to grab another roll and Kris gets a peek at the milky skin underneath Joonmyeon’s shirt. It sends his mind reeling once again.

He flags down the waiter and asks for yet another glass of wine. I can do this, he tells himself.

The problem isn’t at all that he doesn’t want to. He does, with all his heart. He isn’t sure he’d ever wanted his ex-girlfriend this much. Joonmyeon is everything she lacked and more. He wants to make Joonmyeon happy, to make Joonmyeon feel good.

But there is the sad fact that Joonmyeon is most likely far more experienced in the realm of homosexuality, and Kris doesn’t want to disappoint Joonmyeon. That is his biggest concern; he doesn’t want to disappoint or hurt Joonmyeon.

Joonmyeon seems to be able to tell, too. “What are you nervous about?” he asks, putting a hand on top of Kris’. “You can tell me, you know. I’m not about to run away. Unless you tell me you’re a murderer, in which case I will probably run, and I hope you don’t hold that against me.”

Kris laughs and his nervousness lessens slightly. “I...I’ve never done this before, but...I mean, it’s our last night together for who knows how long and I really like you. Just...yeah, you wanna...” he trails off, looking up at Joonmyeon with pleading eyes, hoping that he gets the message.

Joonmyeon is blushing wildly, and Kris takes another sip of wine.

“Yes,” Joonmyeon says quickly. “Yes, I want to.” Kris gulps down a particularly large mouthful of wine and realizes that his third glass is empty. “Are you sure?” Joonmyeon asks. “You drank a lot; I don’t want this to be because you’re drunk.”

“I want to,” Kris says calmly. “I’m really not drunk, I promise.” Three glasses is just enough to get him relaxed and perhaps a little buzzed. He turns his hand over and takes Joonmyeon’s fingers in his own.

“You don’t know how lucky I feel right now,” Joonmyeon admits.

Kris chuckles. “I think I have some idea.”

That evening, they step into their hotel room after bidding the other three a good night, and Kris takes Joonmyeon’s hand as they venture into the bedroom. They each sit on their respective sides, their fingers still intertwined.

“I can’t believe I found you,” Kris says quietly. Joonmyeon squeezes his hand and scoots towards Kris.

“We should thank our cardigans,” he says, pressing plush lips to Kris’ neck. Kris melts into the feeling of Joonmyeon’s breath hot against his collarbone, and he unconsciously places a possessive hand on Joonmyeon’s waist.

“Kris, you seem nervous again,” Joonmyeon murmurs against Kris’ neck.

“Well,” Kris admits, pulling away from Joonmyeon to look at him properly, “I’ve never done this with a guy before, and I don’t know, it feels or what to do and admittedly I’m a little nervous since you obviously know what you’re doing.”

Joonmyeon looks at Kris for a moment and laughs cutely. “Are you saying that you’re scared to take it? Kris, look at us. Obviously I’m going to be the one taking it.”

Kris looks at Joonmyeon in surprise, since he hadn’t really expected that. Joonmyeon’s look softens and he kisses Kris quickly.

“It means a lot that you were willing to, though,” Joonmyeon says quietly. “I’ll make sure everything is done right, okay? You don’t have to worry.” Kris relaxes as Joonmyeon kisses the tension away. Kris slips his hands under Joonmyeon’s shirt and he’s not slow in removing it.

“I wasn’t expecting these,” Kris says, trailing a finger along the lines of a faintly-defined six-pack. Joonmyeon laughs and his muscles tighten. Kris splays his hand out on Joonmyeon’s stomach, noticing how small Joonmyeon’s pale body is against his long fingers.

“Let’s see how many times I surprise you tonight,” Joonmyeon says, and then he blushes as he realizes just how cheesy that sounds.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Kris chuckles, and he helps Joonmyeon do away with his shirt, too. Joonmyeon pauses to admire Kris’ body, and Kris feels a pang of pride and confidence rush through his system. He pulls Joonmyeon towards him, so that Joonmyeon’s back is to Kris’ chest. He kisses Joonmyeon’s neck while he teases Joonmyeon’s nipples between his thumb and forefinger, relishing in the small stifled whines escaping Joonmyeon’s throat.

“Kris,” Joonmyeon breathes heavily.

“Hm?” Kris asks, one hand trailing down to dip into Joonmyeon’s pants. And then he falters, for a moment. He’s never touched a cock other than his own, and he doesn’t know how to make it good for Joonmyeon.

“Kris,” Joonmyeon says, his voice steadying a bit. “I don’t care how you touch my dick; it’ll feel good no matter what, okay? So stop worrying.”

Kris kisses Joonmyeon’s neck again, his confidence renewed, and he pushes his fingers past the waistband of Joonmyeon’s pants. Joonmyeon lets out a sigh of relief and it’s only then that Kris notices that Joonmyeon is nervous too.

“I want this, you know,” Kris murmurs in Joonmyeon’s ear, and Joonmyeon bristles. “I want this as much as you do. You don’t need to worry either.” He wraps his fingers around Joonmyeon’s cock and pulls, hoping that Joonmyeon will react favorably.

Favorable is an understatement. Joonmyeon takes a sharp intake of breath and lets it out in a high whine. Kris continues flicking his wrist just right until Joonmyeon is squirming.

“Just - can we...” Joonmyeon trails off. He removes Kris’ hand carefully and shimmies out of his pants before reaching for the button on Kris’.

“Wait,” Kris says, and anxiety flashes in Joonmyeon’s eyes. “We - we need lube, right?” Joonmyeon closes his eyes and smiles.

“Yeah,” he says. “There’s Vaseline in my bag in the bathroom.” Kris gets up to get it and when he comes back, he has a perfect view of Joonmyeon’s body stretched across the spacious hotel bed.

He slips back on top of the bed and uncaps the container of Vaseline, starting to coat his fingers liberally. He hopes Joonmyeon doesn’t notice how nervous he is, but it’s not likely because Joonmyeon had noticed every time so far.

“I can do it, Kris,” Joonmyeon says. Before Kris can protest, Joonmyeon gently takes the container out of Kris’ hands and coats his fingers. Kris watches as Joonmyeon’s fingers disappear between his spread legs and he takes a deep breath. Joonmyeon’s breath hitches a little as he presses his own fingers into his body, but Kris isn’t watching Joonmyeon work himself open. He’s watching the expression on Joonmyeon’s face, blissful and full of anticipation. Kris finds himself wanting to cause the expression, to do more than just watch.

So he covers two fingers with Vaseline and reaches around Joonmyeon, pressing a digit alongside Joonmyeon’s own. Joonmyeon’s eyes bolt open.

“C-can I?” Kris asks, and Joonmyeon nods slowly. Kris pushes past the ring of muscle and it’s impossibly hot inside Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon leans against Kris’ shoulder as Kris inserts another finger, regulating his breathing as best as he can. Kris pumps his fingers in time with Joonmyeon’s, scissoring ever so slightly so as not to hurt Joonmyeon when the time comes.

Finally they pull their fingers out, and Kris kisses Joonmyeon languidly before Joonmyeon pushes Kris back onto the bed.

Kris lays there in surprise, and before he knows it, Joonmyeon is straddling him, putting a condom on Kris’ cock and lubing it up.

“Ready?” Joonmyeon asks.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Kris wonders, and Joonmyeon blushes. He takes hold of Kris’ cock and slowly lowers himself onto it. Even after four fingers, Joonmyeon’s body is tight and hot around Kris. It’s nothing like Kris has ever felt before.

He puts his hands on Joonmyeon’s hips and looks up at Joonmyeon, whose pink face is now covered in a thin sheen of sweat. “Okay?” he asks, and Joonmyeon smiles down at him.

“Great,” he replies breathily, grinding against Kris.

When he comes, it’s the most fantastic experience he’s ever had. His vision and mind both go blank for a moment before everything refocuses, and then Joonmyeon comes and Kris falls in love all over again the way Joonmyeon lets everything out with a moan.

Joonmyeon pulls himself off of Kris and collapses against his body, and Kris finds that he doesn’t ever want to let Joonmyeon go.

“So?” Joonmyeon asks sleepily. “How was it?”

“The best,” Kris replies, pulling Joonmyeon close and kissing him quickly. “The absolute best.”

pairing: kris/suho, genre: smut, fandom: exo, rating: nc17, series: come on make me feel alive, length: oneshot, genre: romance

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