Tumblr Drabbles

Mar 07, 2013 17:36

for plot bunny anons on tumblr (i love you guys)

epsilon chi omicron; pg; kris/suho; 691

Prompt: "kris is a fratboy and he's lusting after the nerdy kid named joonmyeon in his econ class but he doesn't want his frat brothers to know."

Epsilon Chi Omicron (or EXO, as they called it) was known to be the hardest fraternity to get a bid for, because all the girls wanted the EXO boys.

But to be honest, Yifan couldn’t care less about the girls. Sure, the Kappas were nice, and the Deltas would sleep with anyone, but Yifan really wasn’t interested. He’d been skeptical about Shinhwa University, because he’d heard it was hard for unbearably good-looking guys like him to find equally good-looking girlfriends.

And then it was in Econ 102 that he saw him. He was pretty sure the boy had been in his Econ 101 class too, but the second that he took off his glasses to clean them, Yifan was head over heels. Behind those thick glasses were beautiful amber eyes, framed by black lashes and set on an angelic, doll-like face.

“What’s up with you, man?” Minho asked, elbowing Yifan, and Yifan looked back at his computer screen, which did not picture notes but rather the Formula One car that Minho liked so much.

“Nothing,” Kris said, and he glanced back at the boy one last time before class was dismissed.

Yifan didn’t skip Econ again after that. Minho teased him for suddenly becoming a good student, but Yifan was hardly taking notes. He made Minho sit with him behind the boy, hoping that maybe his name would show up on an assignment or if he pulled up Facebook, but it never did. The boy was a perfect student, always taking notes and making sure that he didn’t miss anything.

“Hey, Yifan,” Minho said, catching Yifan’s attention again, “EXO is having a highlighter party on Saturday night. The brothers want me to buy some of the booze. Will you come with me?”

“No, dude,” Yifan said, trying to sound convincing, “I don’t drink.”

“Since when?” Minho cackled. “Since you got totally plastered two weeks ago and ended up throwing bananas off the balcony?”

The boy didn’t turn around, and Yifan sighed.

“Fine,” he muttered, sinking down into his seat. “I’ll come.”

EXO had loud parties, and there was too much drinking and not enough clean air in the frat house. Yifan stumbled outside, a little drunk, but he needed the fresh air. He sat down on the frat house’s steps, breathing slowly.

“Excuse me?” came a soft voice, and Yifan looked up. It must have been the alcohol, because his angelic boy from economics was standing in front of him.

“Huh?” Yifan said stupidly, and the boy looked a little nervous.

“Um…I-I was looking for Epsilon Chi Omicron…” the boy said softly. “Do you know where it is?”

“Here,” Yifan said. “It’s here.”

“Oh!” the boy cried. “Oh. Thank you.” He didn’t move, though, and Yifan wondered if maybe he expected Yifan to take him inside.

“Do you want to go in?” Yifan asked, and the boy looked around for a moment.

“Can I sit here?” he asked, and Yifan nodded dumbly. “Thank you.”

Yifan didn’t know what to say. He was sitting right next to the boy of his dreams, and he couldn’t even say anything.

“Y-you’re from my econ class, right?” he finally managed to choke out a few words, and the boy smiled. His smile was absolutely dazzling. “Lee…” he extemporized.

“Kim,” the boy corrected with a smile. “Kim Joonmyun.”

“Wu Yifan,” Yifan introduced himself. “What…what brings you to EXO?”

“Uh…” Joonmyeon stalled. “Uh…” And Yifan had a bout of boldness as he felt the alcohol take hold of his system.

“Sorry, but you’re really gorgeous and I’ve noticed you like every single day ¬in econ and just-I don’t even know if you’re into guys, but-can I just say that I’d really like to get to know you better?” Yifan finally blurted out.

“Uh…are you drunk?” Joonmyeon asked, and Yifan laughed.

“Well, I’m extremely embarrassed about what I just admitted, so I guess I’m not quite drunk enough,” Yifan surmised. Joonmyeon smiled again, and this time he laughed a little bit.

“I’d like to get to know you better too,” Joonmyeon grinned, and that was probably the best news Yifan had gotten in a long time.

out on the railroad tracks; pg; tao/chen; 428

Prompt: "tao and chen meet on a train afte rnot seeing each other for two years and they catch up and maybe fall in LUUUURVE."

“Yeah, the train is fucking crowded,” Jongdae complains through the phone.

“Suck it up and sit next to a stranger, then,” Luhan snaps back, and Jongdae sighs.

“I’m going to,” Jongdae replies, and he hangs up the phone because Luhan is kind of annoying sometimes. He spots an empty seat near the back of the car and ventures towards it. “Is anyone sitting he-Tao?”

“Chen,” Zitao looks up, surprised.

“Wow, it’s been a while. What’s up?” Jongdae asks. “Can I sit?”

“Oh, sure!” Zitao moves his jacket from the empty seat and Jongdae puts his duffel bag on top of the shelf. He sits down and turns to Zitao with a smile.

“Where are you headed?” Jongdae wonders, and Zitao glances out the window.

“Seoul,” he says.

“Me too,” Jongdae replies. “Do you live there?”

“Yeah,” Zitao says, turning back to Jongdae. “Do you?”

“I’m moving there right now. Bringing me and the last of my stuff,” Jongdae laughs. Zitao looks sort of melancholy, and Jongdae never liked seeing that face on Zitao. It had always meant that he’d done something to make Zitao unhappy.

“Tao,” Jongdae says quietly, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Zitao snaps a little too quickly. “For never returning my calls or texts? For not caring that I didn’t know you’d moved to Busan?”

“Tao, I didn’t mean any of that stuff,” Jongdae says. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

“I told you I loved you, didn’t I?” Zitao demands.

“How could I believe that when you said that to everyone?” Jongdae retorts. “And you never let go of Yifan. How could I think that you wanted me when he was around?”

“Because,” Zitao growls, and he pulls Jongdae towards him by the collar, kissing him fiercely but not violently. Jongdae feels himself reciprocate, and it surprises him a little bit. Zitao finally pulls away, and Jongdae thinks there are tears in his eyes. “Because I never kissed anyone but you. I never loved anyone but you.”


“I think you know how I feel,” Zitao says, and his expression softens, back to the one that Zitao had shown him when they were alone. It’s the expression that always made Jongdae sure that he was the one Zitao was in love with. “How do you feel, then?”

“I missed you,” Jongdae says, and he tries to hold back tears as well. He puts a hand on Zitao’s cheek and looks up into his eyes. “I really missed you.”

Zitao smiles, finally, and that’s the expression that Jongdae wanted to see all along.

dark but light; pg; onew/minho; 268

Prompt: "something onho svp?"

“Close your eyes,” Minho says, taking Jinki’s hands. “Do it.”

“Okay,” Jinki says, and he closes his eyes with a smile.

“Don’t open them until I tell you you can,” Minho says, and Jinki nods again. He pulls Jinki into the next room and sits him down in the middle, turning off all the lights.

“Minho,” comes Jinki’s voice, “where did you go?”

“I’m right here, hyung,” Minho assures him. Jinki turns his head, trying to hear where Minho’s voice is coming from, but it’s hard when there’s no noise.

“Minho?” he says again, and he hears Minho chuckle.

“Just a second, hyung,” comes the reply, and finally after a few seconds, Minho takes Jinki’s hands again.

“Okay,” Minho says, “open your eyes.” And Jinki does. The first thing he notices is that they’re surrounded by fish tanks with brightly colored fish that glow in the blacklights above their tank. The second thing he notices are the glimmering colored lights in the wall. And the third thing he notices is that Minho is down on one knee.

“Minho,” he gasps, not sure he can say much else, but Minho just smiles nervously, opening a little box.

“Jinki-hyung, will you please marry me?” Minho asks, looking up with his big, brown eyes, and Jinki is sure that he couldn’t say no even if he wanted to.

“Yes!” he cries, launching himself into his fiancé’s arms. Minho kisses him as they fit the ring on Jinki’s finger. It’s just a silver band, with no embellishments, but Jinki figures that it’s perfect, because their relationship has always been simple and perfect.

a/n: i'm a big fan of all of these but i love love love the frat boy kris one...i need to write more of it like now.

pairing: chen/tao, rating: pg, fandom: shinee, pairing: minho/onew, genre: romance, genre: life, pairing: kris/suho, genre: fluff, length: drabble, rating: g, fandom: exo

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