May 01, 2005 13:56
that was me spitting in rage.
my mom made lemonade and didn't put any sugar in!!!
i had no idea, so i just drank the vile stuff!
*eye twitch*
my mouth is trying to escape the sourness, but it is no use.
must... eat... sugar!
my family decided to have a matrix/lord of the rings-a-thon all weekend.
now they're on the very last movie, return of the king.
somehow, i'm the only one with a life that prevents me from watching movies for 20 hours straight, and i haven't been home for most of it.
it's sort of sad and scary at the same time. there they sit, glassy-eyed, skittle-colored drool oozing slowly from the corners of their mouths, ants busily harvesting cookie and potato chip crumbs from their chins and shirt fronts, backsides irrevocably melded with the living room furniture, and the tv beaming directly into their brains at full blast.
ye gods...