Self-Raising Flour

Jul 12, 2007 22:35

On my way to work, I went to Tesco, and I bought ten 1.5Kg bags of self-raising flour. Tesco only had 9 bags of the one-up-from-'value'-but-not-as-posh-as-branded range, so I took them all, and one from a branded range. I attracted some fairly puzzled looks as I emptied the shelf, and also got flour leakage on my tights. I then stumbled to the checkout, and proceeded to attract more puzzled looks. I was sorely tempted to wink conspiratorially and say, "Really BIG cake!". I didn't. I relied on my uniform to convince people that all this flour wasn't intended for my personal consumption. I did think that you probably can't get much more weight for your money in a supermarket (as I was carrying the bloody things back to the car, which I had stupidly parked on the far side of the carpark, because it was easier).
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