Fandom: Detective Conan
Title: Repression
Author: Eeveebeth Fejvu
Theme: #40 - It’s just a nightmare
Pairing/Characters: Kudo Shinichi and Sherry
Rating: T for sexuality and disturbing images
Disclaimer: I don’t own Detective Conan. I requested Haibara to make me a pill that would somehow turn me into the creator of the shrunken tantei-san, but my order is in line behind the antidote to Apoptoxin-4869. …So, for now, I write fan fiction.
Dedication: For Claude le noctambule, because I always greatly appreciate your reviews and your translation work with "Inertia". Also, the scenario in this theme corresponds with a scenario you and I once discussed years ago in the Aicoholics livejournal forum, though I wrote this piece even years before that.
Summary: She stood in the shadows… and waited for him to stir.