Dec 05, 2010 00:15
To my considerable horror, I discovered I can't easily filter my inbox down to email-from-real-people. I wanted to find an email when the best I could remember was "it's from a person", and figured this would be easy, because I only get so much email from people. Alas.
My inbox had 12,000 emails before I set about solving this problem. I split out of it:
- 1000 financial emails: bank statements and receipts from buying stuff
- 3500 triggered, personal emails: my servers' crons, linode alerts, twitter followings
- 400 mailing list emails
- 1000 community junk emails: generally "something happened on this forum, click here to see what it actually was"
- 900 emails that just said "FA Error"
- and 1500 promotional offers.
Needless to say, I've unsubscribed from a whole bunch of nearly-spam assholes. I hadn't ever really faced just how many people snag my email and use it as an excuse to advertise crap to me as frequently as they can.
The worst offender by far was Amazon, who sent 600 of those 1500 spam newsletters. This does not include legit email from Amazon, like receipts; this is purely sales and suggested items. Jesus christ.
I'm now down under 4000 and will probably cut it down more. I wrote some sieve rules to keep this stuff out of my inbox in the future. I feel so cleansed.