Short today.
There's a lot of new Web tech coming down the pipe, and I keep seeing shiny cool demos of it, but they've started to depress me. Not because there's anything wrong with them, or because of any browser squabbling, but because nobody's using this stuff. (I suppose I can blame that on IE, which is browser squabbling. Ehh.)
Simple demos: -- even if you're not a Web developer, I encourage you to glance over these.
Quick overview of browser support: details of browser support and resources for individual new things: It's worth noting that even IE9 will have support for a lot of this stuff. Most of it is designed to be very backwards-compatible, anyway; it's not particularly hard to give fallback to ornery assholes like me who use NoScript and refuse to use your site if it's complete garbage without JS support.
And yet even say deviantArt, having recently claimed the throne for most flagrant overuse of ajax I've ever seen, doesn't use the magical file upload stuff that's in HTML5. It still does some horrible hack on the regular file upload control.
I can't think of where I've even seen CSS transforms, which are purely aesthetic and entirely backwards-compatible, except for isolated effects on a handful of nerd tools.
I'm not going anywhere with this; just wondering out loud. Is the Web just still held back by IE6? Even every serious mobile browser can handle everything desktop browsers can, now. But there's no SVG, little use of canvas, not much of the nice extras like file API or client-side storage.
Come on, Internets. Amaze me.