I have too much crap to do, please send help

Aug 22, 2010 20:34

I keep inventing new stuff to work on aaaaaaaaa

So here is some stuff going on.

veekun Pokédex - Just got a downloads page which has been a long long time coming. Very close to finally knocking out everything old-veekun had, though after that there's still a fucking lot left to do.

veekun GTS - It's so far from what I'd hoped to turn it into, and I fear Black and White will obsolete it entirely. But it's at least pretty now, so you can use it for examining stuff the game doesn't expose.

veekun front page - is an awesome aggregator thing. Of all the irony, it doesn't have an RSS feed for itself yet.

veekun other - Forums sort of exist. Need a lot of work, but they're at least baseline usable.

floof - You know, that art site I keep making reference to and need to get cracking on. It's already coming along, and I'll throw up the new attempt somewhere soon. I'm doing it more-right from the start this time, and hopefully I'll manage to work on it more regularly. Having it up (and used...) will really, really, really help with the whole motivation thing.

kouyou - The little color picker I wrote because most apps don't have HSL and that drives me insane. I picked this up again recently and am finally improving it in ways I've missed for a long time. First up is a history!

raidne - I started writing a roguelike. It's not very far along at all at the moment, and it may or may not get anywhere. But I enjoy Nethack, and I want to see essentially what it could be if it were written now. I know there's Crawl: Stone Soup which has gotten popular, but my impression is that it focuses mostly on character creation, and I'm more interested in a rich collection of junk to scavenge from the dungeon.

project euler - Someone pointed out recently that I've been slacking, here. It's true! I need to get back into doing these. My next language is COBOL, which might explain why I've put it off for a while.

[untitled] - I need to write a micro image gallery in Python, for several reasons.
- Mel needs something to host her art that doesn't blow.
- I need something to host photos that doesn't blow. F-Spot can export a static HTML gallery, but it's drop dead minimal and broken in a few ways that I can't tolerate.
- No such thing exists right now!
I'll probably try it with something like Flask or Bottle in the interest of minimalism. Maybe something new and interesting for a data store. I want it to be as easy to drop in as possible. Haven't actually started on this.

[untitled] - I have an IRC bot running atop supyboy right now, and it drives me crazy. No encoding support, mostly built on ancient (2.2-era?) Python, very poorly documented, etc. I'd really like to try writing a little bot framework with plugins, based on twisted.words. Haven't started this yet, either; just thought about it some.

I need to write more tests. It's so boring, but so helpful once it's done. Sigh.

Particular interest in any of these?

veekun, geeky

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