Oct 05, 2011 17:20
Back in New Orleans life is good. Some joker called the anarchist picnic for the same time and place as the Occupy New Orleans meeting, so all the anarchists showed up and the planning happened more or less on our terms--or on Ben's terms, since he was the only @ who had amy definite ideas. I was in favor of occupying Lee's Circle; it's a dramatic visual, central with lots of exits, and we could rename it. But we're going to Duncan Square in front of city hall,not that we've got any demands for city hall, but because of the tent city established there for six months in 2007 in protest against the demolition of public housing, and to support the homeless people who camp there. The logic is that OWS as a symbolic protest is already symbolically effective and ONOLA should have a material (-ist) element. Which is where the larger movement needs to ultimately go.
I moved into a house this week, but last week I was staying with friends who do a weekly writer's reading group, "Writer's Block". It's almost entirely poetry, mostly slam-influenced, which isn't my thing at all. But being there has been inspirational in giving me something to react against. My friend Kate read a poem about writers' block that was kind of empathetic and exhortatory, and then while my the next person read I wrote this
Squeeze stones from blood.
Skip them on the pool of blood
they sink and raise the level by that much.
The roman racetrack of creation is a boot full of rats
stamping on a rat's face forever.
This is the first thing I've written in months! I think the drive to create is a symptom of capitalist ideology, and I'm mostly against it. Thanks Kate for crystalizing some images around some influences in my mind.