(no subject)

Feb 05, 2004 01:46

I don't quite know what I did to make my sleep schedule this fucked up. I was asleep on my feet all day today: I actually napped in the car both to and from Boston. Very trying day with Grandma today: my mom yanked me out of bed really early because she thought Grandma had an 11:30 appointment. Nope, 1:30. So we have to bring her back to her place, let her eat the early lunch. Me and mom went to Coyote's favourite, Legal Seafoods. Their popcorn shrimp wrap is my new favourite, I think. That was the one highlight of the day.

Then it was back to get Grandma, shlep her to the doctor's, again. The doctor took two hours to examine her. I sat out in the waiting room, playing the few games on my phone and trying not to kill myself for misplacing my Discman. I think it's in the bedroom, somewhere. Finally, we were off- but it was too late in the day to stop at Trader Joe's so I could get one of those bonsai Pussy Willow trees. :(

When I got home, Coyote cooked up a quick dinner but I was almost too tired to eat it. I fell asleep at 7:30pm and woke up at 11:30pm. Now it's just past 2, but I'm not ready to go back to bed.

I swear, you'd think I was a bunnygoth or something. ;)

I have to get some more sleep tonight. There's too much I have to do tomorrow. I was really annoyed I couldn't make some phone calls today. If I don't make them tomorrow, I get to pay $100 to Traffic Court! Isn't that exciting? It's doubly exciting because I think I have $8 in my pocket, $6 in my checking account, $12 in my savings account, and . . . of course, they don't accept credit cards or non-personal checks! I get to go to jail on Friday! I wonder if my jumpsuit will be orange or blue. It's possible I'll be able to get them the one fucking piece of paper they need to dismiss my trial, but I'm skeptical. It's been such a pain trying to track it down.

I guess that could cause insomnia. This is my first time doing this trial-thang, it's jangling me.

I found my barber. I don't want to call him a hairdresser, he has too much style & finesse. Yesterday was my first cut at Atomic Salon. I'd given Fantastic Sam's two trials, and both were disappointing. Just waiting my turn, I get excited because the guy who says he'll take me is using a straight-razor to shave the other customer's sideburns and back-of-neck.

Yep, I got my first straight-razor shave! It felt really, really nice. I only shaved my legs for a year or two, I was always too chicken to try shaving with a razor: I always used an electric shaver. I wonder how a straight-razor compares with a safety razor. He splashed me with aftershave and powdered me and everything! I got treated like a Victorian gentleman! The barber, Jim, called me a cowboy. I laughed and said I liked cowboys, except for the one in the White House currently.

Oh, yeah, the cut is great, too. I don't look quite like my Bratz doll yet, but it's definitely getting there. A few more months, I think. I told my new barber that I'd be seeing him in a few weeks. I don't know what exactly I'll be wearing for my 90's party, but I'm definitely going to get "PK" shaved into the back of my head. :)

Very busy busyness coming up.

Tomorrow: track down that damn piece of paper, help my mom repair her mural (on display at the cancer ward of Hasbro Children's Hospital, to any local folks reading this).

Friday: Trial, return American Gods to the library. No more pouring over it. I'll buy it sometime, once I have money and shelfspace.

Saturday: Dinner with Faerie, Glill, ezrarashke, Coyote, and whoever the hell else wants to come. Busy, caligoayre, livingdeath, zantiphia, cobaltblaze or anyone else? At around 11 or so, we'll head out to Pulse. I had such a great time there last Saturday night. Hip-hop, House, a dancing platform with two poles, and oodles of lesbians! So much fun.

Sunday: Take Glill out to NV. Never been there: only seen one band at The Strand. Dare I admit it? Yes, I will. Marilyn Manson. He gives a very funny performance, I like his fake self-injuries. Pretty costumes/lighting, too.

Monday: Sushi dinner in honour of Glill's birthday. Afterwards, the usual. Karaoke at Mirabar. Very looking forward to it, since we skipped it last week.

Monday or Tuesday: back to the jobsearch grind, before the bills eat us alive! Well, I can't say I've been on my butt lately about that. I've been trying like hell, but haven't gotten so much as a callback yet. *breathe*

All Will Be Well. It WILL, because I SAY SO. *harumph*

grandma roses, coyote, buzzed hair, dancing, artist, books, food

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