(no subject)

Jan 09, 2004 12:19

Holy shit! I just sent out/posted the invites to my 90's party yesterday, and already my inbox is flooded with responses!

Three whole RSVP:YES people! And lovely marvelous old friends with Probably Maybes! If I could have Bob, Debbie, and Eloise in my house at the same time, I'd be so happy I might pop. I hope a carful of adventurers come from Albany, too. That'd be sweet.

Earlier in the week, I got my bike tuned and all spiffied up for its current life as a commuting (sometimes in the dark) bike. Since I owed Grandma Roses a visit, I tossed the bike in the back (hooray for station wagons), tried to email Postvixen from my phone, (incidentally, if I Friended you, you can send a text message to my cell phone via my info page) and drove to Boston.

After a pleasant grandma-visit (the usual- we talked about the different sexual educations/expectations of our generations and I read her some more of her favourite childhood book, The Secret Garden), I pawed through the maps to find that the Boston one was missing. The only map of Boston I could find was six square inches, and showed the entire 95-circumference. Not exactly detail-rich. Luckily, a call to friode directioned me up, and I got to Alewife station with no trouble.

I can't believe there's parking that cheap in Alewife. Holy shit, I'll have to remember that. Since my Fetish Fair plans just got ixnayed, I may well park there and take the red line in to wander around Arisia next weekend. Like bunnygoth, I'm too poor to register, but I think wandering around and talking to fantasy-loving weirdos sounds like a fun plan for a day. As long as they aren't all walking around with gigantic hard-ons for The Lord of the Rings movies. I saw the first movie, it was a'ight, but I didn't see anything worth obsessing over. The Hobbit was sure a snore-fest, I'm extremely disinclined to read Tolkein's duller, more complicated books.

Anyway, I biked that thar Arlington bike path in twentysomething degree weather. Because I'm funny like that. It was actually my first long winter ride, and I want to give myself some pointers for next time.

  • Even an inch or two of crusty, frozen snow is bumpy and makes you slow down a ton. It tires you faster than you realize.
  • When biking in freezing temperatures, wear thick socks and winter shoes or boots. Sneakers will make your feet go numb within the first five miles.
  • When your water bottle freezes solid, it's time to turn back. Water's good stuff, it helps you bike better.
  • If you glance in your mirror and see a purple splotch on your cheek, that means your cheek is in danger of becoming frostbitten. Fuck your nice momentum: stop, bundle your scarf appropriately around you, and continue on.
  • Bring better face protection and some of those warming pads.
  • Don't grin so much at the other biker or two that you see. They haven't seen a hardcore bike-grrl in quite some time, but that doesn't mean you should leer at them.
  • Be careful dismounting to cross busy streets, towards the end of your ride. Completely numbed feet are difficult to walk on.
  • Don't feel ashamed if the snow and the setting sun force you to turn around at the 3/4 mark, instead of the end. Remember that the wind often picks up after sunset.

secret garden, grandma roses, fetish fleamarket, party, bike

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