I saw Paycheck yesterday, and the new version of Peter Pan. Gah. Paycheck was a'ight, but Peter Pan deserves its own long, rambling, gushy entry. I think I'll bring Julius to see it with me my second time. I'm still self-conscious about crying in front of anybody besides lovers, and I spent most of the movie at least misty-eyed. I was crying about the colours, the beauty, the way they were painting with light . . . and the acting, directing, story, script, were all fantastic, too. Reminds me again what a travesty Hook was, besides a few of their casting choices.
Julius got me 28 Days Later as my birthday present. Yay virus! Yay alternative endings that I've never seen! Yay more footage of empty London!
The Birthday Fairy hasn't visited yet. I hung up stockings for her to fill with candy and other cool stuff, but they're empty. Maybe she got caught in some fireworks on the other side of the International Date Line and is busy dusting off the ash so she can fly over here. This counts as a Happy Thing, because I know she'll come eventually.
I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning. I was feeling too bouncy to sit still, but it was so beautiful that I put on my brand-new Sarah MacLachlan CD and listened to new Sarah songs for the first time as I watched a rippling blanket of pinks and oranges announce that it's my birthday today.
Julius sang me Happy Birthday (well, whispered it) while we were snuggling this morning. I was too happy to stay asleep. This is worth mentioning because I used to have a very hard time getting him to sing to me, even if it was the silly little birthday song.
Julius also got me lovely pink and white carnations. (I hate roses . . . overused love-symbol . . . and the Stop & Shop florist probably didn't have Geraniums Red and Delphiniums Blue. I still hope to get a bouquet of those someday, though of course a bed of them in my future garden would be even better!) These are the first flowers he's ever gotten me, and I'm very grateful. I love smelling them and rubbing my nose and cheeks against the soft petals. Flowers kick ass. I wish I could get potted flowers to stay alive. I think the trick is remembering to water them.
My bunny adores the tissue paper I gave him. It's all over the kitchen, and he happily tears it again and again.
I'll add to this later, if I can think of other Happy Birthday-thoughts.
Ooh! I knew I had one more! I'm about to get my hair cut! Hopefully this will make me another 200% cuter. Later today, I get to give
zantiphia some nice stuff. And much later, I get to hang out with Soxboy and bunches and bunches of cool people.