I'm in a fine state of rising right now. As my hands itch for crafts, as my voice longs to sing new songs, all parts of my creativity are pulling themselves awake. I've been disatisfied with my writing lately, even though it's only been posts on this here journal. I've felt an urge for a few months to crystallize my desires, form a word-picture of my ideal next lover. Tonight, that desire sank its fangs in me again . . . but I pulled out my markers and channeled it another way.
I'm recommencing an old artform that I (as far as I've seen) invented when my age was in the single digits. It's an inking technique inspired by Matisse's blue nudes that breaks forms into simpler shapes and . . . blah blah negative space blah blah. I may post some when they get smoother. They'd be breathtaking (and perfect) done with Illustrator's help . . . maybe this is why I fell so madly in love with Illustrator's clean lines and ease of use.
The one I just completed is of womyn fucking. My words are inelegant, but the picture manages to describe how fluid and smooth I perceive womynsex. Need more cuddling, need more skin-to-skin, need more kisses. Unfair to burden solely Julius with so much want. This Saturday, will I find and befriend a cuddlebug? If E is still what all the kids are still doing these days, it seems likely.
Oh, since I've been asked: I won't be doing any drugs myself at this rave. Perhaps some time-release guarana or some other energy herb, but nothing that'll take me outside myself. I'll dance, and I might get sugarhigh, but I feel no need for more.
Note to self: I have a perfect baby gift idea for
projectmothra Perfect perfect perfect. Gotta start it . . . and come up with similar ideas for the other baby gifts I owe/will owe soon.