LJ User-Dropping

Apr 22, 2003 23:19

Finally got around to dealing with the RSVP's for my Dressy Dinner Party. Even if half the people cancel, a tornado blows my house to Kansas, and my mice exponentiate themselves again, this is still gonna be a fun happening.

Lots of people I like (Fraggle! From BiCamp! Marmalade! My new friend from Hell!) and a few LJ'ers that it'll be good to hang out with in meatspace (freeko, bunnygoth) are coming. Still hoping that the maybe from beetiger turns into a yes. And wishing for yeses from sythry's interpreter, postrodent, postvixen and a few others.

ottomaton will be partying far away with catling and doctorellisdee that weekend. I'm not sure if it's maturity or the fact that we're on official break from each other or what, but I'm actually not upset that my most stalwart party-attendee will miss this one. The theme isn't exactly his thing, and he's been talking excitedly about Reality for much longer and with much more eagerness than he's been talking about how good it would be to see some of the other guests at this party again.

I just have to make sure I teach him the right things to say to convince saturnion to come visit us this summer.

Heh, just realized it would be lots of fun to make up a story . . . or try to tell a real one . . . that involves every single name on my Friends List!

OK, enough mouse-dropping . . . er, LJ Username-Dropping, or whatever it is I'm doing right now. Both, really. Time to end this and finally start the project I promised to have finished tonight. Yep, procrastination doesn't end just because you've finished with school . . . you can procrastinate almost anything! I put off going to the bathroom for days.

mice, friendship, doctorellisdee, party

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