Le Sigh

Apr 16, 2003 07:07

Well, as of last night, there was no email in my inbox from galeogirl, who I hoped to have a date with tomorrow. Perhaps I scared her off by calling it a "date", with all the sexual ramifications that implies. Here's the totality of my erotic desires for this particular date: I would like to massage Ms. Galeo's stress-laden back for an hour or three. I would like to see some of those beautiful-sounding purple stripes she says are on her belly, though I figure I won't get to: she seems to think that stripes are imperfections. And maybe, just maybe, as I'm getting on the train . . . maybe she'll give me a little kiss on the lips. No tongue, and maybe it's so short that I'm left wondering if she's one of those people who gives lip-kisses to friends, and I know I shouldn't think much of it but I hear the birdies from the cartoons chirping around my head anyway. That's all. I'm far too bashful to expect or ask for sex from someone I've only face-to-face known for a matter of hours.

She said yes, but I haven't been able to establish email contact. Help me, livejournal! I think my emails have been swallowed up as spam in her inbox. Please, galeogirl, if you still want me to come down to see you tomorrow, please comment on this post. I'm crossing my fingers that you'll read this sometime today.

You recently wrote:

"To be able to rest and relax for a few hours, to safely give up responsibility and control to someone else and let myself be taken care of, soothed, and comforted would be so good."

That's exactly what I want to do. Give you a long massage. Sing to Miranda for a few hours while you nap or have a bath or do whatever it is you want to do. Talk to you, find out about the non-LJ you. (We're both pretty brazen in this space: I'd expect you to be much like the shark-jaguar-mother you present on LJ, just shyer. Same for me, though my shyness may evaporate quickly.) Cook for you, though I'm not much of a chef. Maybe my brother and my husband can tuck some recipes into my pocket before I head off tomorrow morning. I really, really want to do that. So comment here, and/or email me. random at whoever dot com

To say I'd be disappointed by leaving the area without meeting you would be rather an understatement. I hope this works out. Maybe I'll be outside at twilight tonight, waiting for the first star to appear so I can wish on it. I still remember the proper incantation:

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Wish the wish I see tonight.
I wish-
That I could have feathered wings to fly with and that I could take the train to see Ms. Galeo and her daughter and her cool creepy crawlies tomorrow!

sex, travel, brother, crush, shapeshifter, gcuvier, friendship, magic

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