This happens every time I'm in the beginning planning-stages for a party. I start going to Party Stores and such and get a zillion ideas for other parties. I'm in the initial elation, and I have no memories of how much work and stress is involved with party-hosting, so I therefore feel that it would be good for me to start planning a half-dozen other parties concurrently.
Well, I do have a little bit of memory. I know I won't commit a date soon to more than one of these.
- The Third-Annual Idiot Society Reunion Picnic It would sure be nice if the founder of the Idiot Society managed to join us for this one. If not, oh well. It's basically an excuse for me to spend a weekend in New York hanging with my friends, and the Picnic itself is just an excuse to romp and play silly games in Central Park. Hopefully, the nearby bathrooms won't be broken. I'll set a date for this soon, some Saturday or Sunday in June or July. Hm, I can't think of a reason to post the invitation to this one as Friends-Only. Can anybody else? Has anybody had a bad experience meeting people who've stalked/lurked on their LJ?
- PK's Harry Potter Made The Dictionary Party (That's its working title, of course.) Now this could be a ton of fun. I just heard that "muggle" will be printed in future editions of the Oxford English dictionary:
"Muggle, n. In the fiction of J.K. Rowling: a person who posseses no magical powers. Hence in allusive and extended uses: a person who lacks a particular skill or skills, or who is regarded as inferior in some way."
What a great excuse for a party! And because Harry Potter is so popular, there's tons of party favors, balloons, decorations, and plates/cups that are in the (very nicely illustrated) Harry Potter style. The only thing that makes me hesitate to start the ball rolling on this one is: besides fishoutawata and bunnygoth, who would come? Most of my friends and aquaintences are Hobbit-lovers, not House Elf fans. They masturbate endlessly over every aspect of Tolkeinism, but look down their noses at the kiddie HP books. To them, I say- :P "I'M A KID!!!!!!! GROW DOWN!!!!!!!" To be fair, Julius loves Tolkien and Rowling equally, but he's the only one I know (except maybe Bunnygoth) who isn't heavily biased towards one or the other. Oh dear, I believe I just sparked a Flame War on my LJ. *shrug* C'est la guerre. HOBBITS SMELL BAD AND TOLKIEN DOESN'T PUT HARDLY ANY WOMYN AND NOT ENUFF COOL SENTIENT CRITTERS IN HIS STUFF. SO THERE.
Anyway, I was amused to see that one of the HP party favors offered by the store I perused last Sunday was miniature journals. To those who haven't seen/read Chamber of Secrets, this may seem a perfectly normal thing for a wizard-culture. The amusement is exclusively for HP fans, who know that a joural was a major character in CoS. It swallowed somebody and took over their mind, almost killing them. Harry put it down by stabbing a sharp implement into the journal, at which it screamed and ink gushed out of it like blood. I loved that part. And you can give all your friends miniature versions of that villain! What a terrific concept.
- A Tea Party Really, this shouldn't be hard. But how much of it will be 4-year-old playtime, how much 19th-century upper-middle-class England, and how much Lewis Carroll? I guess that all depends on who shows up, (and in what costumes- hafta make sure Raelbunny knows about this) and what mood they're in. More tea, anyone?