Hey, neat, I'm almost up to twenty entries! I couldn't let you all see the last two, sorry. It'll be one landmark when I get past twenty entries, and another when someone other than ottomaton makes a comment. I should learn how to make when I say some LJ user's name turn into a link. It's probably another a href jammie. I should definitely upload a decent picture. I'd sure like to learn how to make the time normal time instead of 24 hour time. I'd sure like to make my own mood icons, too . . . these purple kitties are OK, the teddy bears and sidneycons and foxes are aiiight, but I'd really have fun doing my own. I'd make a different icon for just about each individual emotion. Very few of these are synonymous, I don't know why so many mood icon sets just have 9 or 10 different things. Maybe you can only use your own mood icons with a paid account. Hmmmmmmm . . . . *checks wallet* I suppose I should work on my website revamp before making a hundred silly gifs.
My old online portfolio, complete with old name, old style, and pieces so old they should be carbon-dated, is
Did I do that right? Did I? Did I?