(no subject)

Mar 24, 2003 08:51

I feel so good this morning.

Really. It's all crownofspoons's fault, too.

So, going through Pregnancy Scare II put my stress-circuits on overload. Waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy more stress than I could safely handle, although I was doing really well for awhile.

Last week, the excess stress, noticing that I would just not be able to get enough sex to banish it, transformed into anger. Leaden anger in my veins. I'm not used to walking around angry all the time, even if the start of the war provided a convenient excuse/scapegoat. It felt unnatural and yucky, yet Julius was always galavanting off to roleplaying and Otto was . . . doing stuff, I can't remember what. And it was still pretty muddy last week for most of my favourite outdoor means of exercise.

Hence the weekend: all the hedonism and social contact I craved, and then some. digglesyo and company welcomed me and my fellow old-man Julius as fellows. So we spent the weekend pretending we were College Students again (although I didn't get that messed up in College myself, but- well, we were typical College Students) and it felt great. We took Peach to a Nature Preserve he'd never heard of, and spent a lovely day tromping through the leftover snow and up muddy hills. For dinner, we got- what were they, again? Burritos the size of Bouncing Babies, from Bomber's. I knew I wasn't going to finish my burrito, but towards the end I spent a lot of time staring at it.

We went back to Peach's house, and Julius went to sleep. The rest of us watched Lilo and Stitch, which I'll have to see again because I can't remember the end of it. I was conscious, I just can't remember the end. I can't remember most of that night, actually. (And that barely ever happens to me. Maybe once every two years.) Felt still drunk the next morning, too, and stayed drunk until I took a nap late in the afternoon. At last it was time to leave, but we'll have to return in a month or two.

Right now- no stress. Some angers and frustrations still, but they're peeping mice, not yowling Siamese. Much easier to deal with. And it was truly beautiful to spend most of the weekend in a World Without War. I miss College. Hopefully I'll be an Art Student Real Soon Now.

Speaking of visiting friends, I really need to go get my sleeping bag from Dor. And get some more details about her wedding so I can plan a kick-ass stag party for her. (Doe party just does not sound as cool.) cabaretgirl, want to help me with the planning? There are certain things you could check on more easily, since you're in the area. Or closer to the area. It'll probably be in Long Island, close enough to Dor's house that we can drag her unsober carcass to bed at the end of the night.

college, travel, weed, albany, coyote, art school, friendship, abortion

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