You can tell it's Thaw . . .

Mar 17, 2003 15:44

. . . because I have the attention span of a gnat. And I'm supposed to be working on a major project due Wednesday.

But that's OK, because I'm bleeding. By tomorrow, my concentration will be so high, I'll be able to construct a 12-page brochure with perfect alignment and clean lines, even if the office is at its noisiest. (That's not my current project, but I could).

But I'd like to warn all my readers that this is NOT Spring. This is Thaw.

I've been around New England for a year or two (okay, more than twenty), and I know that even at the end of the balmiest winters, Spring does not arrive in March. It starts up at around mid-April, but it's in full swing by May Day, usually. We are now experiencing Thaw, when the warm sun zaps the snow away and muddies up the frozen ground.

All the people on LJ, basking gratefully in "Spring"'s warmth? Watch carefully. Next week they'll be bitchin' and moanin' their heads off. Because "Spring" will have vanished into Perfect Kite Weather, and none of them have flown a kite in years. So they'll moan and whine about having to don sweaters and scarves again. I won't mind.

Thaw makes me twitchy and a little crazy. The smell of melting earth tries to fool me into thinking it's the beginning of Spring. Maybe I'll go to the Common tonight and frolic. I proposed a vague idea to two buddies, but my slow-assed ISP is dragging its feet giving me their replies, and they're both too untelephonic to call me. But that won't stop me from amusing myself.

Are any assorted rats, foxes, or other critters available for frolicking? I'm available from 6 to 7pm tonight. Perhaps a bit later, depending on how far the frolicking-place is from the place where the metal birdees roost.

No wonder I can't get any work done today. I've reverted from my usual mental age of 8ish to 4.

But really, 4 isn't such a bad age. Is it nap time yet? When will there be apple juice and graham crackers? Have you met my friend Cat's Eye? (Cat's Eye just bowed to you . . . I know you can't see him, so I thought I'd explain.) Is Baba coming to pick me up from Nursery School today?

Oh, I'm going over to Baba's house in a month? YAY!

I've got to get some of these wrigglies wriggled out of me and these skips skipped out of me so I can start working on the present for Baba's kids after the sun sets. They're almost as old as me, after all.

new york life, travel, brother, work, cat's eye, nephews, mania, thaw

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