Purple Kangaroo: Homecoming

Jan 28, 2024 03:03

Nights like this, it’s so fucking clear.  I wanna go home.  Home is Providence.  Coyote will be stupid-easy to avoid, he shuffles between his cute indie bookstore (which I can visit on weekends in not-Christmas season and won’t run into him) and a grocery store and home, and he won’t even tell me what neighborhood he lives in now.

Gods, do I still scare him that badly?  Maybe Bob is right, and it’s time to just fucking divorce him.  But whatever, the likelihood of bumping into Coyote at a goth night or random bar or dungeon is zero.

I miss heavy sarcasm and drastic seasons, even though I now know I get sick so much more often in RI because I let myself get too cold.  Even a slight chill can give you one fucker of a chest cold, such as I am having right now.

Home requires a pile of money, like $50K if I wanna do it right, $20K at the least.  But if I could manage $100K, damn, that’s a down payment on a house in Providence proper!  Sorry Amanda, the free museum/zoo days are worth the higher property taxes in my eyes.

So how do I get a pile of money?  Or even an income-stream of like, $500/month?  What’s my hustle?  Do I read tarot cards in Oakland parks?  I feel weird about asking money as a white person in Oakland.  Well then, the obvious quick solution is pro Domme work, but that carries big risks until I’m well-embedded in the scene.

I want a JCC & RISD library membership.  Maybe Atheneum too.  Yes, I can still see versions of California-me that’s tanned (or goth-pale) and super happy.  But so many of my dreams are still Providence dreams.  What would it be like to own a car and a Sugarbush season pass?

I hope I date an Asian (fem?)boy and/or a femme of some sort before I leave here.

But another thing I could do, like, in 3 days, is shoot and upload a damn video!  Who cares that nobody will watch the first few?  I’ve long been comfortable pointing a camera at myself, why am I intimidated by video?  No reason whatsoever.

Anyway, moments of clarity have been few and far between the last few months.  But I like knowing where I want to go, even if I have no idea how to get there.  But keep going.  I’ll finish a comic script some year, and then some year after that, it’ll be up on the White Wolf self-publishing thing.

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