Happy Eros' Day!

Feb 14, 2003 10:25

Got little sleep on account of finishing my Erosine and beginning to tackle my mountain o' list-mail. 'Twas worth it, I feel fine and dandy this morning.

I will try to talk to my Internet Prophet and see if he can persuade the Server-Gods to make my Erosine magically appear right here in this very journal.

It was much less twisted than in previous years (didn't do any last year: year before, made a sheet whose most non-sick ones pictured a hung Eros and a shot of me being lovingly strangled by Julius) but it allowed me to do a quick "these are my recent life-changes" note to a wider audience than I usually send such things to. So far my only feedback is, "weird!".


Tonight, fancy shmancy dinner out with Julius and some packing. Will probably be off LJ until I get back from Philly. Wednesday or so?

Happy Eros Day! And no moaning from single people allowed on my journal. Go hug a friend or call someone neat. It's a holiday of love, not bitter whining. I spent most of my life's Eros Days alone, and stopped the bitter garbage my senior year of high school. Since I'm a narcissist and had no hint of a Special Someone to be gooshy with, I made it a celebration of self-love. Bought myself a huge mylar baloon that said, "I LOVE YOU!" and walked around with it, grinning madly whenever anybody asked who gave that to the freaky loner chick. For subsequent Eros Days, I've dressed up purty and spent long, sweet evenings enjoying my company, ending with very intense sex with myself.

Enjoy yourself today, everybody. Spread some love, even if it's only over your own hand. ;)

coyote, school, travel, philadelphia, eros day, food

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